Red, Merah, Ong, Hong

Been double tagged by a sexy momma & hip and happening momma. Something red, merah, ong, hong? Errr….actually I don’t have that many clothes in red and I seldom take photos too. Hence, it’s a tad difficult to find a photo of myself wearing something red 😀 Since I can post a photo of my kid wearing red if I can’t find one of myself, I’ve decided to upload the photo below. Ashley put a red box over her head and said it was her ‘hat‘ 😀 (Hope this is ok).

like my red hat?


Here are the rules:

1. Post YOUR photo wearing red, may it be a red top, bottom, the least would be red accessories if you hate wearing red… If you can’t find one, you still have an option. Either post your Significant Other’s photo or your child’s photo, if you have one. Of course, they should be wearing red.

2. Let us know the reason why you were wearing red that particular day. Was it your birthday? Is red your fave color or was it the shirt that you first saw in your closet that day?

3. Tag 3 people close to your heart. By the way, they have to be in your blogroll. No cheating heart pleaseeeeeeee!

4. Once you’re tagged, could we please keep it going – just for this month?


I would like to tag the following people :-

1) HealthFreakMommy
2) Lovely Mummy

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7 Responses to Red, Merah, Ong, Hong

  1. Health Freak Mommy says:

    Thanks for the tag. Aiyoh, difficult one coz I have to go through My Pictures folder to find one pic of the gals in red… and they seldom wear red, but pink all the time! Give me some time ok?

  2. Sasha says:

    yr daughter is another funny one!

  3. laundryamah says:

    liddat oso can? hahaha

  4. Bryan's Mama says:

    haha that’s really cute!!

  5. Annie Q says:

    hahahahha..u remind me i have not do this tag yet!!

  6. Vivianz says:

    hahahhah little cutie…

  7. Lovely Mummy says:

    opppsss, now I remember that slavemom has tagged me also, but yet to do it 😛 thank you and will do it later. 🙂

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