Ashley Is So Spoilt!!!

My lil’ munchkin will be celebrating her 3rd birthday tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜€ How time flies eh? I still remember every moment of the day that she was born. I’m sure all mothers would remember that special day.

Ok..even before her birthday arrives, she has been receiving gifts from many nice aunties. Ashley got a nice book and flash cards from her future MIL, Aunty Annie ๐Ÿ˜‰ She loves the book a lot and wants me to read with her a few times a day. She enjoys flipping open the flaps on every page. As for the flashcards, I have hid them….hehehehe. Will bring it out later ๐Ÿ˜‰

Another nice gift from Aunty Sasha. It’s a hip and happening doll (or is that Barbie’s friend?) I didn’t get to read the box properly because Ashley was too anxious to take out the doll and her vespa. She was so thrilled to see the vespa and even tried to sit on it. Then when the vespa fell, she yelled, “Help mommy, help” *slaps forehead*

Yesterday, the postman came and dropped something off for Ashley.

What a nice surprise! It’s a lovely Barbie doll from Aunty Alice and cutie Darrius.

Of course, she wanted to open the box immediately and was thrilled to see Barbie in a lovely floral dress. Last night, she took Barbie up to her room and slept with her *grins* She also got another gift from her kong kong yesterday. I’ll post it up later ๐Ÿ˜‰ I don’t think I received that many toys when I was a kid. Thank You everyone for the wonderful pressies!!
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11 Responses to Ashley Is So Spoilt!!!

  1. Nadia says:

    Waaahhh.. lots of pressies! ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy birthday Ashley!

  2. Annie Q says:

    Count down, one more day to go…
    Happy birthday Ashley, i wish her first, just in case tomorrow i tied up with “busy” and forgot to wish my “future DIL” hahahahhahah

    Glad she like the books. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. JO-N says:

    Happy birthday in advance to Ashley.

  4. Sasha says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHLEY!!!!! Muaks Muaks to u!

  5. Alice says:

    Happy Birthday Ashley~

  6. chanelwong says:

    it is her birthday mar….nice to be spoilt on birthday hi hi

  7. dawn says:

    Happy Birthday, Ashley! She is special, that’s why she gets all these great pressies!

  8. jazzmint says:

    happy bithday ashley

  9. Elly says:

    Happy 3rd Birthday Ashley!

    With love, hugs n kisses…

  10. mott says:


    Wish I was in OUG..I take u out MAKAN! hee hee hee….

  11. mama bok says:

    She lost alot of weight leh.. ๐Ÿ™

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