My new bedsheets

It was “Changing Bedsheet Day” yesterday and I took out a set of new ones which I bought before we moved into the house. After I changed the sheets, I got 2 very different reactions. This was what Ashley said when she came up to the room – “Wow….pretty. Pink colour and so many flowers“. The other reaction I got was ………………… *groaning and shaking head* action, followed by…….”pink sheets? with flowers too? how do you sleep on pink sheets?“. I guess you all know who said those words 🙂 What’s wrong with pink eh? Men!!!!!!! Well, he can always sleep in the guest room *chuckle*
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10 Responses to My new bedsheets

  1. mama bok says:

    Hehehe!! that’s the reason why .. i never buy girly colors no more. Mine are all solid colors only.

  2. Shireen Loh says:

    ooo…I too have pink sheets for our wedding one last time LOL..but definitely, no pretty flowers like yours. I am jeles! 🙂

  3. Malaika's mummy says:

    men ah!!! I wanted to buy some girly colour bedsheets too, but could not too. 🙁

  4. clair says:

    A beautiful bedsheet makes beautiful dreams, didn’t you know that LOL?

  5. Jacq says:

    OMG, pinky sheets…suits u lor!!!!

  6. Sasha says:

    mine can settle for red but never pink too. hahhahaha

  7. sue says:

    My man likes maroon / deep red LOL… but myself, I’m a khaki/browns/neutral fan, so I buy what I like and it all matches ma 😛

  8. Elaine says:

    wow…so nice and man also won’t settle for that. The other day he bought a dark blue , that to me look so hot and attracts mosquito…i forbid him to use that. LOL

  9. Lovely Mummy says:

    wow, so sweet lah the bedsheet..but more suitable for single woman…haha.

  10. LittleLamb says:

    go for common colors like brown, white to avoid such statements..hehehe

    but i like it. very sweet.

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