My cousin gave me a bottle of the Avon Bug Guard Insect Repellent Spray which she bought from the US. She brought 2 bottles back as she was afraid her kids would be bitten by mosquitoes during her vacation here. This spray contains Vitamin E and my cousin said it’s really good. I have yet to try it though. You see, I have all kinds of repellents. Oh, I also use the Moz Away spray and spray them onto Ashley’s clothes when we sleep with the windows open at night. Am I nuts? 😉
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Why dont you fix mozzie net in your house? The mozzie catcher is also very effective. My sil fr HK bought the gals many bottles of baby-safe mozzie repellent too but I dont really like to use them coz of the smell.
I could not stand the smell either. 😛
is moz away effective?
Something I can relate to..heheh..and my mom gave me this salt lamp. Apparently gets rid of the pesky moz!
we use Buds mozzie clear cream. also based on citronella. We even more kiasu…after that, I also put on a mozzie patch on Bryan! Worried about dengue!
wowo…you are really super on…I would be confused myself…looking at all the bottles…haha
Moz repellent not work on my boy on the whole night long. He will still get bite. I’m not using any of that since after I use the liquid vaporiser.
Just on it for few hours every night before sleep and the smell is not that hard to get away even off it 10 mins before sleep.
I just “tap” Karen (another blogger) to purchase Bugslock from Korea.
Yes, i really hate to see those 1sen, 5sen at my son face, hands n legs.
Drop by her place cos it is not cream/lotion form.
woah! You have so many types! I have 2 bottles but I hardly use… lazy mama!
You’re not nuts. It’s better be safe than having them at risk for denggue. I use Bud’s Mozzie Clear (can purchase from Mothercare or Mum’s Care) and the mosquito patch (any pharmacy). Bud’s not bad. They uses natural herbs ingredients and also safe for children.
.. and when the smell wear out and touch wood got bitten, you could try apply Bud’s Super Soothing Rescue Lotion. I find it helps reduce both the swelling and itch. So hopefully she won’t get marks on her beautiful legs. 😀
the main ingredient that keep the mozzie away is the lemon grass(serai) smell. Besides applying the BIOZ, i sometimes prefer to use the Serai liquid that u can but frm TESCO supermarket if u are from Malaysia..use it to wipe surfaces in the hse or wash the longkang (drains). i love the lemon grass smell. I knw of a plant that u can get from Cameron Highlands (if u r Malaysian)that has the simlar smell that is believed to repel inscts and mozzie, too. Nt sure if it really works.
Another effective old method that my parents used to do and i do it too at times(which i knw many mom would be relunctant to) is to spray the rooms or house with Shelltox or Mortein or whatever brnd u prefer..then on the fan to the lowest setting, close all windows for 5-10 minutes. Very effective to kill the hidden mozzies which at times u can see them dead on th floor or surface. Just my personal opinion.