I was surprised to be greeted by this at the bedroom window.

A grasshopper decided to pay us a visit and Ashley was esctatic to see it. She stared at it for quite some time and even made some faces at the yellowish/greenish grasshopper.

Since we don’t get to see this a lot at such a close range, I quickly took the opportunity to teach Ashley a thing or two about this insect.
Me : “Ashley, can you see the two things on the grasshopper’s head” (i put 2 fingers on my head to mimic the grasshopper)
Ashley : *stared at her crazy mama and turned to look at the grasshopper*
Me : “Those 2 things on the head are called TESTICLES”.
Ashley : “TASTIKEL”
Me: *think think* OMG….what did I just teach my munchkin???!!!! “No No Ashley…..sorry….they are TENTACLES. Repeat after me, TENTACLES”.
Ashley : “TENTIKEL”
Me: “What are they called again?”
Ashley : “TENTIKEL”
Phew…………………I’m going crazy, I tell you O_O
update: i was watching barney with ashley today and one of the scenes showed some butterflies. they refer to the 2 things on the head as antennae. so i guess, tentacles are not the correct term as well? *faint*
Muahahaha!! funny..!! missing something much. .. muahahahah!!
hahahhahhahaha…this is a funny one!!
eh, i notice your blog got a nice & new background !! Nice!
oohh my… wahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha!
dis so funny lor!!!!
Hahaha…yearning for something???
Lucky you corrected it fast or she may just go around yelling it loudly!
If I’m not wrong, only the octopus has tentacles? Sorry, no encyclopedia with me now.
Btw, you have a Little Known Facts About Me tag!
if your dotter tells me something that is not right..I’ll blame you!!!
HA Ha mommy , what were u thinking off that time huh? Careful oh or else Little Chumsy will get mind pollution lor! BTW to me..every year around the month of 7th (Ghost Festival) I sure will be visited by Grasshopper n praying mantis. No joke from rented houses to my own house..they faithfully visit me and hopped on the front door. I told my hubby..i have a feeling it’s my grandmothers whom I was very fond of. Believe in reincarnation?
WAH.. WAH… HAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAH….. luckily you corrected her. Cannot imagine she start telling everyone she saw grasshopper with two testicles. LOL
If not mistaken, I think you’re right. It’s call antennae. Tentacles.. I think it’s like those on snails.
If I don’t know, I will tell Malaika to ask papa when he comes back from work.
Thanks much for the link! Hurray! My first link of my life!!!!
hahahahahhaha i burst out laughing!!!!!!!!
hahahha…you crack me up everytime! 🙂
hahahaa….really funny this one.
Thanks for linking me up. 🙂 And very nice sidebars too.:P
Luckily you realized it’s tentacles and not testicles, else she will go round telling everyone that butterflies and grasshoppers have testicles, LOL!
Wow. A grasshopper with testicles. Must really be something man. Muahahahaha.
i think you call them feelers, no?
Hahahahahhaha…I was laughing so hard when I read this post the bed was shaking (kids asleep)!
testicles!!! muahahhaaaaa!!
Wakakaka..I was gonna say, it’s antennae lah!
hahahhaa… you naughty mama!
luckily ashley didnt stick to the first word u taught her!