more conversations

My mom was teaching Ashley with her writing yesterday and they came to a Question and Answer page.Β  One of the questions is :-Β  Where do mosquitoes live?

Her answer?

They live in the house πŸ˜€ muahahahahahahah.

She has been bitten by the mosquitoes so many times at home that she thinks they actually live there.

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17 Responses to more conversations

  1. sasha says:

    she’s right! hahahah

  2. claire says:

    mosquitoes not live in house meh? πŸ™‚ my house also plenty esp after 7pm.. so ashley is indirectly correct .. high 5 to her ..

  3. Krystal says:

    Ash is so witty…clever girl πŸ™‚

  4. Ann says:

    Good one!!! Cna submit it to a joke column somewhere. She may get a prize!!!

  5. Annie Q says:

    cute answer! ahhahahhaah

  6. Merryn says:

    Oh, mozzies definitely live in MY house! No matter what I use, they still love it there.. they dont seem to wanna shift! πŸ™‚

  7. Cynthia says:

    smart answer! and yes, mozzie lived near us in the house! muahah..:D

  8. LOL!! she’s not wrong either πŸ™‚

  9. BoeyJoey says:

    Hahaha… funny! Ashley is speaking from her own experience la, so she’s correct! πŸ™‚

  10. caroline says:

    hahahahaha ….. that’s a good one πŸ™‚ But they do live in the house, don’t they πŸ˜› πŸ˜›

  11. mott says:

    but..where do they live then? What a question! I would have been scratching my head if I got this. Lucky, I’m already 21 and don’t have to answer this kinda of questions.


    actually i didn’t know the answer so i googled it. Mosquitoes live in stagnant water for half of their lives and in the air for the other half. πŸ˜‰ yes yes…you are all grown up now…hahahahahaha

  12. chinnee says:

    hehehe…so clever ashley!

  13. mummy gwen says:

    Hahaha…so cute. She is right though in a way..hehe.

  14. Cynthia says:

    Barb.. I got a tag for you.. come by my blog when you free ya..

  15. hahaha… clever Ashley…

    I also dont know the answer. Thanks for providing us an answer.

  16. blessed mom says:

    hahaha…she is not wrong either! πŸ™‚

  17. jazzmint says:

    haha…auntie’s house also plenty on this πŸ™

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