Ashley has developed a very bad habit these days. Whenever she’s unhappy, she would stomp her feet and start complaining if she doesn’t want to do something that I asked her to. Every morning when I asked her to wake up, she would sulk, complain, stomp her feet and cry. She was not like this last year though we had to wake up at the same hour. It takes about 15 mins for her to brush her teeth, get dressed and go downstairs. All these are accompanied by lots of tears and tantrums. Yesterday morning I snapped and gave her a whack with the cane. I have talked to her about this and she said she’s sorry…etc. Yet, the next day, she would do the same again. How do you deal with this?
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Is there an underlying reason why she doesn’t want to go to school? Is it the same on weekends? If you think that she’s just being spoilt, then consistency in driving the message is key. But I know, it’s so exhausting!!
she just doesn’t want to wake up at 6 something and prefers to sleep in till 7am. after she has calmed down, she’s back to her cheery self and goes to school happily 🙁 she sleeps at 9.30pm every night and she has been following this schedule since last year. i hope this is just a temporary thing 🙁
whack again ? LOLOL !!! don’t quote me. Mine lao kai every morning coz she hadn’t enough sleep. Perhaps getting Ash to sleep earlier.. helps
i tried my best not to whack her as i don’t that to spoil hers and my day 🙂 We are in bed by 9.15pm and sometimes she would talk until 10pm before she falls asleep 🙁
Our Montessori teacher told us to send them to school in their pajamas if they didn’t get ready in time for school. The idea is that they would be so mortified that it would never happen again. Wonder if that would work?
one morning, i told her that she doesn’t need to change if she doesn’t want to and we’ll go to school in her pjs. she started screaming and bawling. i think she probably woke up some neighbours 🙁 I threatened to throw her out of the house if she didn’t stop. if i drag her into the car without changing, i think i’ll have to listen to all the screaming for the next 40 mins 🙁
I went through this as well. No clue, only need to have lots and lots of patience.
my patience is running thin
I whack mine the continuous days until she stopped her irritating behaviour. Call me a monster mother; I just couldn’t tolerant it, especially in the morning.
Not proposing this method to you, Barb. Maybe you could find a better way 🙂
it is driving me nuts every morning. i hope all these nonsense will stop!
I agree with Paik Ling. Maybe there is more to it, than just waking up in the morning. With my two girls, I usually give them a five mins heads up, esp during winter when it’s tough to get out of a warm bed. Then, I will go in again to wake them up. If they chuck a hissy fit, I just walk away until they calm down.
when the alarm clock rings, i’ll let it snooze for 5 mins. then i’ll wake her up again. she’ll always ask for another 5 mins. then i’ll go get myself ready…and i told her i will be calling her later…so much time given to her and yet she throws her tantrum 🙁
Oh Barb, mine has been like Ashley every other day…until I have to start wake him up 1 hour before!! I read somewhere that kids have their ego as well..they have their own mood and targets for us to follow…if they don’t get it, then they will feel they are not important to you. Most of the time I will just raise my voice and scold…if that don’t help, I will whack lah..of coz pretty frustrating to do all these in the morning, especially we are running late…yvonne, we are so alike 😉
yes i really don’t have the mood to deal with this every morning 🙁
Good thing she wasn’t like this last year. 🙂 Don’t know what works with Ashley but mine needs a solid reason and a firm voice to get moving.
No nonsense in the morning please. Not pleasant at all to start the day this way….etc.
And if nothing else works – out comes the ipod or a little reward if he gets everything done like NOW!
ahhhh…i must find something to reward her for good behaviour eh? Keeping fingers crossed 😀
Maybe u can try my old trick. at one point, C was goin tru a phase, she ll cry for d slightest thing. I got fed up, each time I had to bring d cane along & warn her, way before u starts her works!wanna try it? once Ash is awake, warn her & show her d cane in d bathroom for few days..
i have a few canes around the house. as soon as i show her…she’ll cry even louder 🙁
Maybe she doesn’t like to go to school? Sherilyn was like that at one point of time and I found out much later that her teachers have been scolding her. I don’t blame the teacher coz she has been naughty in school. Now, she still dilly dallies every morning w/o fail! I hope next yr she’ll change coz she cannot afford to be late anymore.
Wah..waking up at 6 something is very early eh. Gwen also having hard time waking up for school. I usually disturb her and tickle her to wake her up…funny thing is it works..haha. Maybe you should try soft approach and see how.
Hmmm..*touch wood*, so far my boys are ok, no crying in the morning, but when i woke them up, they will make some noise and kicking on the bed. Call me bad, i will on the tv, tv is their alarm clock, i will prepare milk, give to them, after sometime if they still sleeping, i will start my “loud” voice. Maybe i am too “monster” to them, they are afraid of me. No crying but that doesnt mean they do things fast, they are dilly dally!
My girl sometimes behaves the same. Normally, what I do is to let her make own decision.
If she refuses to get up from bed, I will normally tell her..”papa and mommy are ready to go out, you can continue sleeping. We will see you in evening.” and walked out from her room. Normally, she will quickly come out from her bedroom. If she is still in the room, I will just purpose open the main door to make sound that to threaten her.
Also, if she eats her breakfast very slow and my hubby could not wait any longer, he will normally just take away her breakfast, then both hubby and I will just walk out to leave home. Normally, she will begin sobbing and carry her school bag follow behind.
Also, sometimes, I set timer for her to finish doing certain thing. If she finishes before time out, she will get a reward to school eg. extra candy to add in her snack box.
Also, sometimes, I scold her but can not whack her, because my hubby doesn’t like it at all. The reason is that his mom never cane him at all.
I got to face this almost everyday… So i changed my plan. I brainwash her the day before and ask her not to repeat the same. Otherwise, she would have to in her crying fit.
HOpe it help….:P
Waking up at 6am+ is not easy for such a young child. Even me, as an adult, have difficulty doing that! Poor Ashley, I understand how she feels but to give you a hard time every morning like that, I won’t defend her too haha. Take it easy, Barb. Hope this is just a phase and she will snap out of it soon.
Yalor, I’m same kaki with Chloe’s mummy… my girl has no problem to wake up early, it’s me that always wanna snooze for another few minutes, ended up she was almost late for school! (blush):p
Your girl likes music? Maybe can try to play some soothing music with wholesome breakfast to cheer her day up!(My way of cheering myself every day, lol)
I have no experience with the waking up early for school part, but boy… am i familiar with being soooooo irritated by a child and wondering why on earth they like to test our patience so much!!! So, breathe in, breathe out and hope that it’s just a phase that will eventually pass!
I always use reverse psychology with R. When he stir up a fuss in the morning, I’ll tell him he could stay home then. I’ll tell him im going to call the teacher to inform he’s withdrawing. I will even threaten to get him a nice broom so he can be a road sweeper. That usually works for me. It takes a lot of patience dealing and managing a child’s tantrums. Good luck Barb.
stickers work! After giving my boy his stickers every morning if he did not cry, he cooperates with me more and no crying nor dilly dally. Maybe reward her when she wakes up one morning without tears.
err.. my no.3 does that every day.
such bad temper.
i warn them in advance, don’t make ur mom angry. just don’t. not so early in the morning.
but of course, what does he know right? Everymorning, sure angry one. EVERY MORNING! So sick of it. I really wish I have a rotan with me. I am going to ask someone to bring it over for me. Hmph.
There was one nite where I pre-warned him. Haha… the next morning, he straight away ask me.. “U still angry, mom? U still angry?”. hahahahahahaha… i shud do that pre-warning more often. IF I REMEMBER!
get a few rotans…they may hide them from you 😀 i do the pre-warning too but it’s the same for her. still throwing tantrums…arrrgghhhh!!
one or two days ,i can still tolerate but if it still continues, i will show my cane! sorry to say that my cane is really an effective weapon! did our ‘jane’ tell you that she locked her younger one in the toilet for throwing her tantrum?
yes, cane is very effective 😉 wow, ‘jane’ didn’t tell me she did that to renee. i didn’t know she would use this tactic…kekekeke
It sounds like she’s not getting enough sleep. Although she may have had the same hours last year, she is doing more this year during the day so she may need more rest. Try getting her down earlier. Just 15 minutes earlier every day until you hit a good balance. She should get at least 10 hours. And yes, cheerful music might help in the morning wake. I’m sorry you have to go through this. It will pass. Big hugs to you 🙂
thanks 🙂 will get her to bed by 9pm and hopefully things will get back to normal soon 🙂
i asked pb a min ago – if he had any trouble waking chloe up – his reply – nope. I asked him if she whines and cry or fuss? his reply – nope ( you know he one word man right?) I asked how long she takes to get up? his reply – rarely takes longer than 30 seconds. thank god our phase of her not wanting to go to school 2 years ago passed quickly after we took her out from mdm bowen and sent her to mdm tish. it will pass i am sure – hang in there.
i’m glad to say that she’s ok now…and no tantrums at all this week. keeping my fingers crossed 🙂