grandpa’s birthday gift

This is a belated post 🙂 On my dad’s birthday in June, I helped Ashley to do a Coupon Book for her ‘gung gung’. She did one before for Father’s Day last year and I have blogged about it here.    I decorated the cover and Ashley did the rest.

Gung gung was very happy to receive the coupon book but he has yet to redeem them…..hahahaha

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14 Responses to grandpa’s birthday gift

  1. oh sweetie pie.. I bet Gung Gung’s heart melted like Haagen Daz under the hot sun !

  2. Hayley says:

    Haha so nice and creative! Personalised coupon book! 😉

  3. Sue says:

    This is so so so sweet of Ashley. Gung gung must be very very ‘lum’ (melting :))

  4. Carolyn says:

    Very good idea. The thought of doing all those sweet things to Gung gung already will melt his heart. But he might not redeem some like back rub and leg massage because he doesn’t want to trouble his precious grand daughter I’m sure..:)

  5. Health Freak says:

    This is really cute and such a good idea!! Has gung gung utilized the vouchers yet?

  6. yvonne says:

    Ooo… no expiry date for the coupons?

    Means gung gung can redeem it anytime ♥ , nyek nyek~~

  7. This is so creative…Her gung gung must be very happy. I’m going to show this to my wifey so that she can teach my boy to do the same thing next time 🙂

  8. sheohyan says:

    So cute la! I saw this last year. I must learn to do this with my girls this coming September for the only man in the house.

    I must utilize this coming Raya holiday. Thanks, Barb.

  9. Kitty says:

    So cute! I’m sure gung gung must be very happy when he received this!

  10. Mummy Gwen says:

    Haha…that’s so cute. So creative and unique. Gung gung must be smiling from ear to ear.

  11. CL says:

    yes, I remember Ashley did one for her papa too .. so cute. Once again, I forget to get my girl to do one for her beloved papa … will try to remember to do it for Xmas then … thanks for sharing it again ..

  12. Angeline says:

    Ya like your idea making birthday coupons for gung gung just like for Ashley daddy last year…gonna make this for Calvin daddy.

  13. What a lovely birthday coupon for gung gung! It is a very sweet present though..

  14. Ipohgal says:

    Barb, where do you get all these creative ideas? My hats off to you!

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