More Shopping For The House

It has been very busy for us these few days. My husband and I have been out shopping for some stuff for our house. We went out to Jalan Pasar yesterday to buy some switches. We were told that there is a shop in that area which has the types of switches that I want at very affordable prices. Since my mum is here to look after Ashley, we decided to go out and buy some things for our house. The switches was quite expensive and it burnt a hole in my hubby’s left pocket..hehehehehehe. Then while walking back to the car, we saw a lighting shop. So, we went in to check out the lamps we need for our master bedroom, dining, living and porch. Yes, I am STILL shopping lamps 😉 Managed to get all except for the lamps on our porch. This time, the lamps burnt a hole in my hubby’s right pocket. We quickly left the place before more serious damage is done. Need to shop for toilet accessories today……arrraggggghhh.
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2 Responses to More Shopping For The House

  1. Vivianz says:

    Along Jalan Pasar got a few shops own by my uncles… Which one did u visit?

    I remember when i was moving in to this house, I almost gone bankrupt, and yet I didn’t do much!

  2. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    vivianz – i can’t recall the name of the shop 🙁 i remember it being at the corner, next to the famous stall which sell goose and duck rice 🙂 wow..your uncles have shops there? What do they sell..any discounts if i mention i know you…hahahah

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