Asking For Permission

Mum is staying with us this week and Ashley is, as usual, having a gala time doing silly things with her por por. When at home, my mum monitors the stock market by checking their status on tv. So, when she is over at my place, she would do the same thing. However, when naughty Ashley is watching her favourite Barney or Make Way For Noddy show, no one can change the channel. So whenever my mum has to check the stocks, she would ask Ashley if she could watch the Astro channel (Ashley calls it the ‘Astro’ channel as there is a huge Astro logo on that channel). If her programme is interrupted, she would start bawling. Sometimes, she would let my mum change the channel eventhough her favourite shows are on. Guess it all depends on her mood 🙁 Here is a photo of her making a face when my mum changed the channel *slaps forehead* As for hubby and I, we try our best not to give in to her demands but the grandma will always oblige ;D

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12 Responses to Asking For Permission

  1. etceteramommy says:

    Muahahahaha… she sure upset there!

  2. Angeleyes says:

    Ashley looked so cute squinting her eyes! LOL

  3. Health Freak Mommy says:

    My gals are the same and I wont give in too coz i dont want them to be spoilt rotten!

  4. Sasha says:

    Ai…with that face how not to give in?

  5. Shireen Loh says:

    ye…she look so ‘charm’, turn the channel lerr..

  6. Elly says:

    now in ipoh…my mom is facing the same thg too!! but just imagine that 3 boys screaming n yelling…..thk God it’s temporary!

  7. Diyanazman says:

    oh she is sooo cute!

  8. Frankensteina says:

    Hahahahah I was like that when I was a child. I was very ‘manja’ with my grandparents.

    By the way, you’ve been tagged by me 🙂

  9. everydayhealy says:

    I guess no one just like to be interrupted. We must respect the kids too sometimes. hehe…

    Anyway, she is still young. She will learn to tolerate soon Patient…

    And, you’ve got tag, my dear.

  10. huisia says:

    of course unhappy lo..

  11. mama bok says:

    Aiyoh..!! are all children like that..?? chloe also like that..! and we try not to give in to her too.. otherwise.. she would really think she is queen of the house.. muahahha!!

  12. Annie Q says:

    Ashley look so different in this picture. hahahahah

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