Slow PC

My laptop is running rather slow these days. It takes a long time to view a page and sometimes it hangs too. I have deleted some photos in my hard drive and also used a ccleaner to delete temporary files and cookies. Really don’t know what’s wrong. I hope it’s not because of virus. I tried not to log on to msn and see if the speed would increase but sadly, it’s still the same. Could it be that I am running a few programs at the same time? I just leave the programs on but there is no movement. Can’t do that? Sigh…I’ll try to delete more photos and see how it goes.
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5 Responses to Slow PC

  1. MamaBoK says:

    will ask PB and ask him to make some recommendations ya. 🙂

  2. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    jan – thanks so much 😀

  3. kalamaf says:

    Deleting a few pictures from a hard drive will do nothing to help your speed except in the extremely rare case that your hard drive was completely full.

    Run a virus scanner if you don’t have one already. If you have Norton then uninstall that crap, it’s probably half the cause of your speed problems. I recommend AVG ( Also get SpyBot Search & Destroy from to see if you’re having any malware issues.

  4. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    PB – thanks very much for your comment. Will do that ;D

  5. sheprd says:

    Definately ditch Norton and also try Avast Antivirus along with AVG. You may also wish to defrag your hard drive. Actually, deleting items can help speed if your hard drive is almost full. It is preferrable to have at least 20% of your hard drive free for Windows pagefile. Goo Luck…

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