Is There Something Wrong?

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this fan?

Looks normal eh? I have this fan in the bedroom and Ashley is so terrified of it. Oh, I forgot to mention, she’s only afraid of this fan at night, when the room lights are off. When I switch it on, she would start crying and ask me to ‘off the fan’. However, she’s ok with it during the day. Maybe it’s the shadow or the sound coming from the fan. I really have no idea. I’ve tried explaining it to her but to no avail. Now, we can no longer switch it on at night. I have to use a stand fan instead. *faint*
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9 Responses to Is There Something Wrong?

  1. Health Freak Mommy says:

    Maybe she hates the spinning effect? Have you asked her why she hates it? Anyway, I don’t really like the ceiling fan…. it causes my kids and me running nose if it’s turned on when we’re sleeping. Air cond is not so bad for sensitive nose, at least in our case.

  2. jazzmint says:

    aiks…..hmm…i don’t have 1 at home so so far no complains from them.

  3. ShannonC. says:

    does it make any squeaky sound or something?

  4. jppmom says:

    hi there..thanks for dropping by my blog..oh hubby did mentioned it to me but he gave me yer new blog adds..i like d blog..same as dis one 😉

    Anyway, I think she scared of d sound or like u say, d shadow..y don’t u ask her y she didn’t like it?

  5. Hazel says:

    how many years u have used it?

  6. Shireen Loh says:

    yep, mebbe she sked of the noise it makes. give her some time. she’ll get used to it

  7. renet13 says:

    different kids have different fear, my daughters are afraid of the house phone ringing. In your case perhaps once u knw y she so afraid. Then if i may suggest, u can try turn off lights one nite, then shine the torchlight on the ceiling fan and tell nursery rhymes or create stories for her. My kids who are afraid of darkness when they were young , enjoy this moment.

  8. whoisbaby says:

    ooh my son loves to look at spinning fan. we have one in our bedroom but not yet turn it on as our weather is still cooling at night.

  9. Sasha says:

    last time yr house dun have ceiling fan right?

    but most of the kids loves ceiling fan wor…

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