A Choo Choo Party

We attended Jayden‘s birthday party over the weekend at McD in Centerpoint, Bandar Utama. It was an absolutely great one for a boy who is turning 2. There were Thomas the Tank Engine decorations everywhere 😀 Even the birthday boy was wearing a very cute and bright coloured Thomas t-shirt.

the birthday boy on the throne 😀

Look at this lovely birthday cake!!

Laundryamah & family, Alice & family, Annie & Her Twins, Angeline & Oscar, Nadia & her 2 handsome dudes and Shannon & family also attended birthday party. It was great to meet everyone. Ashley spent most of the time playing at the slides and didn’t even eat the food. She was also very excited to see Thomas 😀

me and my flower sword

Ok, in case you are wondering how come my photography skills improve so much overnight? Well, to tell you the truth, these photos weren’t taken by me 😀 I forgot to bring my camera with me *slaps forehead*. I curi them from Nadia’s 😉

Thanks to Sasha & family for having us that day 😀
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12 Responses to A Choo Choo Party

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  2. jazzmint says:

    wah…another birthday party 🙂

  3. Sasha says:

    Thanks for coming Barb!!!

  4. chanelwong says:

    wow…a nice n grand party for Jayden !!! Blessed Birthday Jayden

  5. Anonymous says:

    what a shiok party there!


  6. Health Freak Mommy says:

    Nice party… and what a lovely birthday cake!

  7. mom2ashley says:

    wah so ramai-ramai! the cake looks fab!

  8. Nadia says:

    Glad that we managed to chit-chat for a bit! 🙂 I had fun snapping your daughter’s photos. But she damn shy leh? Hehe…

  9. Lovely Mummy says:

    wow, so great…my kid has his 2nd birthday party at KFC two month ago 🙂

  10. etceteramommy says:

    What a blast! Bet you feel naked that day not having your camera with you. I can relate to that. 😀

  11. karenyiau says:

    Great party. Dillon haven’t had any birthday party yet, pity him…. hmmm maybe I should organise one on his 3rd birthday. 🙂

  12. Kelly says:

    THe cake so so nice! how to cut it up har??

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