Tag : The Four Thang

When I was ‘kaypohing’ at other mommies blogs, I saw this tag and wonder when I’ll be tagged 😀 Ahhhh…then I saw this mommy leaving a comment in my paid posts, asking me to do it and also this mommy has tagged me too;D So, here we go –

Four jobs I have had in my life:
Stenographer at a mining company in Ipoh (2 years)
Secretary at a mailing house in Toronto (3 years)
Head of Admin / Secretary for an engineering consulting firm (9 years)
Maid in OUG (2 years)

Four places I have lived….err…I have only 3 places:
Ipoh (the city famous for beautiful leng luis)
Toronto (the first place away from home)
Kuala Lumpur (the city that never sleeps in Asia)

Four Countries I have been to on vacation:
Canada (does it count??)
Hong Kong

Four of my favourite foods:
Pan Mee in OUG
Curry noodles
All kinds of beancurds

Four places I would rather be right now:
Shopping on Oxford Street
Shopping in Hong Kong (after reading LaundryAmah’s post)
Somewhere by the beach
Chilling with my good friends in Ipoh

Four friends to tag:
Etcetera-etcetera Mommy
Crumbs in Life

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10 Responses to Tag : The Four Thang

  1. Angeleyes says:

    hahahahah! The Ipoh leng-luis has the ‘six-sense’???? LOL

  2. Mummy to QiQi says:

    thanks for the tag…..ah….where is this pan mee in OUG?

  3. ShannonC. says:

    yikes… i see my blogname… hahahaha
    arigato for the tag, but but, give me sometime to do my homework… 😀

  4. Sweetpea says:

    done! 🙂

  5. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    angeleyes – yeah..i guess so…must be the water ;D

    mummy to qiqi – oh..this pan mee is in a coffeeshop near the market. Come over and I’ll show you..yummy!!!

    shannon – no prob 😀

    sweetpea – thanks 😀

  6. khongfamily says:

    Hahaha…I like the part “Maid in OUG”..funny line! 😀

  7. IMMomsDaughter says:

    Done your tag already but on my other blog http://www.mylilventure.com

  8. Etcetera~Mommy says:

    Oooh.. found the tag. Oki oki. Will do my homework. Thankss 😛

  9. ShannonC. says:

    done liao… hehe, sorry ar, take so long… 😀

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