I just received IKEA’s flyer in the mail yesterday. Their SALE is on. From 19th July until 19th August. Yippeee!!!!!!! Also, for those who are IKEA Friends members, there is a special ONE DAY ONLY on 19th July to grab some really good stuff. One of the things that is on sale is the shower curtains at RM15. I just love their quirky and affordable shower curtains. I think I will or probably my husband will go and get them 😀 Have you all tried IKEA’s curry puffs and cinnamon roll? Yummy!!!! I never fail to buy some whenever I’m there.

BTW, this is NOT a sponsored post ;D

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8 Responses to IKEA

  1. mott says:

    heh! good luck shopping….

    since you’re moving to a nice bigger home..hee hee..it’s a good time to get them and store it first!

  2. Nadia says:

    Oh man! Now you’ve done it.. LOL!

  3. jazzmint says:

    wah wah..must go kepoh first.

    must go try the chili corcan (dunno how to spell), we love that…

  4. Mummy to QiQi says:

    hubby loves their meatball but too bad i dont take beef 🙁 We love their curry puffs and ice-cream too 🙂

  5. Health Freak Mommy says:

    I love the food at Ikea food court too, nice and cheap.

  6. Angeleyes says:

    Aiyah…. no IKEA here! 🙁

  7. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    mott – hahaha..yeah..am thinking of getting some stuff but then, no space to store now 🙁

    nadia – so…when are you going over? 😀

    jazzmint – hmmm…haven’t tried that before ;D

    mummy to qiqi – oh..my hubby also likes their meatball but I also don’t take beef.

    health freak mommy – yeah…nice and cheap and most of the time, it’s hard to find a space. We had to eat standing ;D

    angeleyes – come down to kl again lah 😀

  8. laundryamah says:

    eh u wanna go together gether?? i’m going first thing in the morning! see ya there!

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