I just received IKEA’s flyer in the mail yesterday. Their SALE is on. From 19th July until 19th August. Yippeee!!!!!!! Also, for those who are IKEA Friends members, there is a special ONE DAY ONLY on 19th July to grab some really good stuff. One of the things that is on sale is the shower curtains at RM15. I just love their quirky and affordable shower curtains. I think I will or probably my husband will go and get them 😀 Have you all tried IKEA’s curry puffs and cinnamon roll? Yummy!!!! I never fail to buy some whenever I’m there.
BTW, this is NOT a sponsored post ;D
heh! good luck shopping….
since you’re moving to a nice bigger home..hee hee..it’s a good time to get them and store it first!
Oh man! Now you’ve done it.. LOL!
wah wah..must go kepoh first.
must go try the chili corcan (dunno how to spell), we love that…
hubby loves their meatball but too bad i dont take beef 🙁 We love their curry puffs and ice-cream too 🙂
I love the food at Ikea food court too, nice and cheap.
Aiyah…. no IKEA here! 🙁
mott – hahaha..yeah..am thinking of getting some stuff but then, no space to store now 🙁
nadia – so…when are you going over? 😀
jazzmint – hmmm…haven’t tried that before ;D
mummy to qiqi – oh..my hubby also likes their meatball but I also don’t take beef.
health freak mommy – yeah…nice and cheap and most of the time, it’s hard to find a space. We had to eat standing ;D
angeleyes – come down to kl again lah 😀
eh u wanna go together gether?? i’m going first thing in the morning! see ya there!