don’t know

what to write today. the mind’s just not working 🙂 my wisdom tooth is causing me ulcers in the mouth. it’s quite painful especially when i’m eating. i have applied some “sai kuah seong” in the mouth and hope that the ulcers will go away soon. maybe i ought to remove the wisdom tooth eh? am not very fond of going to the dentist though *biting nails*

thanks for visiting my blog. you all have a great weekend 😀

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8 Responses to don’t know

  1. jazzmint says:

    wah..faster go extract it out

  2. Pete says:

    Drink yong sam sow in hot water, add a little bit of salt. This should help.

  3. Blessed mum says:

    I had mine extracted long ago! better get it done than suffer all the time!

  4. Mummy In Vain says:

    heaty guo…..better go for dentist check up.

    eat an orange everyday, and you may have less chance to get ulcers often.

  5. laundryamah says:

    eh dont wait too long fast get it out..then u can enjoy Christmas la…CNY la…ok??

  6. 2ma says:

    how abt trying to gargle some salt water? well, u should cut short your misery & visit the dentist soonest!

  7. LittleLamb says:

    Have a good weekend.

  8. Health Freak Mommy says:

    Yup, you should quickly visit the dentist b4 the tooth causes you more pain. Gargling with salt water helps a little too.

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