I Have YouMail

I just found a wonderful new cellphone service called YouMail. This superb service replaces your cellphone voicemail and allows you to record unique and one-of-a-kind personalized greeting messages for each contact in your phone. YouMail.com is a free service and the thing that I like most is that you can even retrieve your messages online and then save them to your computer. That way you get to save your important messages forever.
All you need to do is sign up to create a YouMail account by providing them your cellphone number and email account. It only takes a few minutes to do that and they have a really easy to follow account set-up tutorial to guide you through.
With an account, you are all set to record personal greetings for your friends and families. You can even record professional greetings for clients too. Another cool feature from YouMail which I like is “DitchMail” which allows you to hang up on unwanted callers after your customized greeting. Those callers won’t even get to leave a voicemail on your phone. How brilliant is that? YouMail has been getting rave reviews from New York Times, CNBC, Newsweek and MobileCrunch. They have certainly taken cellphone voicemail to another level.

If you have called my cell phone and heard a quirky voicemail greeting, you would know that I’ve got YouMail 😀 For more details, do visit YouMail.com today.
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