Can See But Cannot Touch

Right now, I can see some white opportunities on Tiga P website but I can’t take any. Why?? I have just reached my quota for the day. Arrrgggghhhh!!!! I forgot that I have taken one this afternoon and another 1 around 9pm. It is such a rare occasion to see opps in white and yet I can’t take any. Driving me nuts and I keep refreshing to see if there are any new ones available. Chi Sin or not? Yep…they keep coming out but I can’t take them. Bummer!!!! I should just go to bed.
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2 Responses to Can See But Cannot Touch

  1. Health Freak Mommy says:

    I understand how u feel…. really killing feeling eh?
    Yep, there were so many opps 4 me too last nite but most of them, by the time i clicked on it, like magic, they turned into grey WTF!
    I also saw North Cyprus property. I had earlier in the day wrote a 200+ review on it too for RM and now, they pay slightly more and only 50 words, aiyoh, really bummer!!! TigaP really makes ppl go crazy.

  2. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    shireen – i saw the RM offer but didn’t take cos i dunno what to write for 200 words…you are amazing …can write so well. I find that RM pays much lower than tigaP.

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