reading to her doll


See this, Charlie?

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17 Responses to reading to her doll

  1. Blur Mama says:

    heheh…so cute…and charlie is so attentive. love the stickers on her head..or is charlie a he?

  2. BoeyJoey says:

    “Teacher Ashley” 😀

  3. Joanna Lee says:

    Mrs Barb. Your girl is so sweet. I saw her coloring .Can she draw?
    Let me tell you something. My cousin speaks to her teddy bear almost everyday.(shot ga …)And every one of her bear has a individual name , swiss kun, kurowa kun(sorry i don`t understand Japanese, i don`t know how to spell it ), harrods kun , fiesta kun etc etc…. Ask her. (kekekkekekekek…..)

  4. Annie Q says:

    this school holidays sure every kids are boring. Same goes to my boys. They are having a good time at home…fighting, jumping, and climbing!!!!!!

  5. claire says:

    Ashley is giving tuition lessons …. good… start from a young age.. 🙂

  6. SJ says:

    readin is good for knowledge. she wil gain too as she reads to charlie.

  7. Wooo…she has killer eyelashes !

  8. mummy gwen says:

    Wah…now she is a teacher cute. 🙂

  9. mery says:

    So cute..

  10. wenn says:

    guess u must hv done lots of reading yrself..role model..

  11. Merryn says:

    Why is the doll’s name Charlie? She loves the old hi5? tee hee hee..

  12. Lina says:

    So cute!!! Charlie answered her or not? LOL

  13. rachel says:

    why she didnt read to u?

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