A Nice Friend

Yesterday night while sitting in front of my laptop (waiting for opps), I received an email from a wonderful blogging friend who is half way around the world. She offered to do something for me which is really unexpected. Really caught me by surprise as we chatted on MSN. It is really, really nice of her and I am truly grateful. I just don’t know how to repay her kindness. This nice bouquet of flowers is for you, Jan (I know you donch like roses). THANK YOU very much again!
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3 Responses to A Nice Friend

  1. mama bok says:

    Awww..!! yer too sweet..! nothing to it lah.! donch even think about it.. no more..!

  2. Health Freak Mommy says:

    Tell us, what did Jan do for you? Really curious to know!!

  3. Big Pumpkin says:

    Isn’t it a wonderful feeling when you have such great friends? Selfless and giving…..very hard to find, u know!

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