Chatting with the new parents

This morning around 11am, I called my brother-in-law via MSN to see how they are coping with the newborn. His first word was, “headache“. LOL. He didn’t know how difficult it was to care for a baby until he brought his home 😀 She cries for milk every 2 hours and poor mommy doesn’t have milk yet. So, it was very frustrating and tense for both the baby and her mommy. They even went to ER with the baby and asked the doctor what they should do since there was no milk. The doc gave them some milk supplies but had to feed via the tube from the breast so that the baby would get used to sucking the breast. Hmm…wonder how it’s done 🙂 I chatted with my MIL too and she hasn’t been sleeping a lot because of all the excitement. LOL. Will post some photos of the baby later 😀
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5 Responses to Chatting with the new parents

  1. jazzmint says:

    hehe first timer always blur blur one huh

  2. mott says:

    heh heh heh..and they’re always so anxious for the baby to come out! I’m like…take your time, enjoy your sleep..but they’re still kan-cheong!!!

  3. Health Freak Mommy says:

    Can’t wait to see pix of the bb. Hey, quickly post them lar!

  4. mama bok says:

    First time parents sure kan cheong one. But till will get the hang of it real soon. . 🙂 no worries..!

  5. wHOisBaBy says:

    congrats ro your BIL with his new bb. wow … is tough huh? been there, done that.

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