A great weekend with friends.

On Sunday, I met up with my good buddies, Elly and WP at Hartamas Shopping Centre. It was great to see them as I haven’t seen them for a while. WP came from Ipoh just for the weekend. We hang out at Starbucks and made so much noise chatting and laughing away. Hope we didn’t annoy other customers ;D
You must be wondering where my Ashley was when I was having fun….hahahaha. Thank God my mum and sisters came over to the mall and babysat her. My dear hubby was walking aimlessly around the mall while I chatted with my friends. If you have been to Plaza Damas, you would know there is really nothing much to do there. Not many shops like 1Utama or Mid Valley. It’s a family mall with lots of restaurants and cafes.

Later, another friend, SM joined us and she is the owner of a kiosk called “Purple Cow” at the Square Room in Hartamas Shopping Centre. She is the one in white top (without glasses). Below is a photo of her lovely kiosk. It has great clothes and accessories. Do check out Purple Cow when you at this mall (I do sound like I’m doing a pay per post eh? 😀 )

We left the place around 5pm. It is indeed a wonderful time to catch up with friends.

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8 Responses to A great weekend with friends.

  1. Elly says:

    waah…free advertising for purple cow…i must get da boss to give good discount for bloggers la like that!! good idea??

  2. Peng says:

    all of looks nice hor in the pic…ahem! and thanks for the cuppa latte 🙂

  3. Elly says:

    oh yes…thks for the chocs for Mika n the treat at Starbucks…

    can u pls email me the other pics that we took? thks.

  4. Jo says:

    tau pun having fun !
    how come i dun get treats from starbucks ??? *hint**hint* ;D

  5. Sweetpea says:

    waahh…. u belanja everyone from PPP earnings arr??? don’t forget me eh.

  6. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    elly – yeah..free advertising 🙂

    peng – no need to thank me so many times lah….once in a blue moon only i belanja. next time when i go to ipoh, you belanja me, ok?

    jo – u didn’t join me at starbucks..so no treats lah.

    sweetpea – still no payment yet from paid posts 🙂 no problem, next time when you are back, i’ll belanja you 😉

  7. Health Freak Mommy says:

    You look very familiar to me.
    Is your friend SM’s fullname Su May from Ipoh? If yes, then i know her. She was my ex-schoolmate from MGS.

  8. Peng says:

    i know once in a blue moon you belanja us that is why i thank you many times.

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