Yesterday night, we went to a bakery in my neighbourhood to get some bread for lunch today. There were no parking spots available so my hubby and Ashley waited for me in the car while I made a quick dash to the bakery. When I was done choosing the breads, I went to pay for the stuff at the cashier. I believe the cashier is new at this job as it took her quite some time to search for the different types of bread and punch in the codes. My total came to RM16.00 and I gave her RM100. She gave me RM90 as change. I only noticed that on the way out. I don’t normally check the change at the cashier…not a very good habit in case there is a dispute ;D When I saw she has given me RM6 more, I went back to her but she was busy. So, I gave it to her colleague and they gave me the correct change.
When I returned to the car, I told my husband what happened. He said I shouldn’t return the extra $$ to the cashier as this is a good lesson for her 😉 Next time she’ll be more careful. What do ya think?
hmm…poor girl lor, short of RM6, later few more customer oso she count wrong how…salary also gone.
if me i think I’d return that too..then she will count her blessings and thank me mah…haha..*teruk me LOL*
I think you did the right returning it to her.. she will still learn a lesson.. and you donch have to have it on your conscience.
no la.. u did right by giving back la.
i wudn’t want bad karma leh…
I would have returned it – by sheer fact that you returned it, the girl would have been so embarassed and would have learnt her lesson. If it was ten million dollars, I would have had second thoughts – LOL – run to faraway island immediately!!