While blog-hopping, I saw some bloggers posting about their workstation. Thought I want to post about mine too. LOL. Here is a pic of my workstation where I spent many hours blogging and making $$ ;D My laptop is on my coffee table and I sit on the floor, with a cushion behind my back for support. I have a computer table but I can’t stay in the room to do my work as I have to keep an eye on Ashley.
As you can see, there is a box of tissue nearby because I eat while I blog so they must be within reach ;D Can’t see much in the photo because my laptop is black. Well, that’s my workstation….nothing fancy 😉
Nice and simple, what more can we ask for hor, a computer, a box of tissue, some snacks…eh sometig missing from your workstation, I bling for u, kopi, after eat snack then thirty mah have to have drink.
firehorse – you made me laugh ;D yeah..i forgot my favourite cuppa in the photo. i want a kau kopi ok?
how i envy you!! so comfy..I still have old style desktop..:( hheh…