Obssessed / Worried

Ever since I became a mother, I am obssessed/worried about

poo – Ashley must poo every day. I’ll be worried because when she skipped a day, she’ll have difficulty to poo the next day.
water – Ashley has to drink at least 24 oz of water a day. (more hopefully)
food– whenever I give her some new food, I always want to know the ingredients, in case she developed a rash from taking it or whether she’ll spit everything out or unable to swallow properly
mosquitoes – whenever Ashley goes to the park, I’ll put some mosquito repellant on her clothes and legs because I don’t want her to come back with lots of mosquito bites.
toys at the paed clinic – I worry when Ashley plays with the toys at the paed’s clinic because I don’t want her to get any germs from them. Ashley also likes to go near the children she sees them at the clinic but I worry that she’ll get whatever they are getting 🙁

So, do you think I’m crazy?

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5 Responses to Obssessed / Worried

  1. Elly says:

    eh, dun worry too much la! if the immune system is good, then the body will fight back n defense! I was like u before…so afraid of the germs n kept wiping Mika’s hands all the time! Not anymore now but still keep clean la of course! Trust me good immune system is most important.

  2. Diyanazman says:

    no lah!!
    my friend and her husband wash their hands with dettol everytime before touching their daughter! now thats crazy!

  3. jazzmint says:

    eh at least u didn’t dettol her everywhere she go, or u keep washing hands before u touch her LOL…

  4. etceteramommy says:

    Yea.. wash her hands regularly esp if she has sensitive eyelids like Ryan. Actually I also get paranoid when Ryan is in the clinic with other sick kiddos around. So you’re not exceptional.. we’re all the same kiasu mama… 😀

  5. mott says:

    ha ha ha… if she wants to play with the toys at the dr..let her la. just wipe her hands after that.

    If she eats heaps of fruits n drinks water…shud hv no prob with poo?

    I found papaya..the best ever solution. Will miss it terribly when I go…sigh..

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