Internet Connection Is Crazy

I am so fed-up with the internet connection today. I wasted half a day because I couldn’t log in. Made a few reports and was put on hold for sooooo long. The internet line just kept breaking off. As I am typing this, I don’t know if I could publish this post or not. When I first spoke to the S*reamy*x customer service, I asked her if there was a problem in my area. She said no and from her computer, she can see that my line has hanged. She reset my account and asked me to try. I did about 30 mins later. Same sh*t. Then I called and spoke to another guy. I asked him if there was a problem in my area. He said NO and asked me to change the DNS…..etc, etc. Same sh*t. Then I waited and line suddenly returned. Less than 5 mins later, it went dead again. I called S*reamy*x and spoke to another guy. This time he asked me where I was and then he said there IS a problem in my area and they are fixing it!!!!!! Can’t believe this nonsense. I did everything and almost turn the whole computer room upside down. Geezzz!!!!
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2 Responses to Internet Connection Is Crazy

  1. Health Freak Mommy says:

    I always encounter the same crap from Streamyx help desk too. I find they lack experience and sometimes simply give solution not knowing that they might mess up the client’s computer. Happened to me last week and in the end, my PC ended up in the computer shop for repair.

  2. jazzmint says:

    not only u lah.mine oso went cuckoo, every 30mins it went down until i fried that customer service, then after that ok

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