No Poopie

Ashley did not do her poopie business today 🙁 I kept asking her but she didn’t want to do it eventhough she lets out gas a couple of times. Really don’t know what’s bothering her. She did it yesterday after skipping it the day before. Guess tomorrow I’ll have to stuff with her more papayas. I didn’t give her any today because she had some yesterday. I’m going to take Mott’s advice and feed her papaya every alternate day. Hopefully she’ll go back to pooping every day.
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2 Responses to No Poopie

  1. mott says:

    I hope it works.

    but, u know… if u r really concerned about it. U might wanna get it checked out by the PD. My fren’s son had his colon hardened (becoz of constipation) and they … had to.. err.. do something.

    So…she doesn’t poop after 3 days (of intensely first, then ease off..once she’s regular)… better check it out yea.

    u dun want surgery! poor ashley..

  2. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    Thanks for the advice again, Mott. Will be giving her more papayas and water too 😀

    AARRRRGGGGHH… surgery!!!

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