Meaning of my Munchkin’s name

I have just been double tagged by Nadia & Sasha on this. Actually I didn’t give much thought to the meaning of Ashley. I just like the name and hubby said ok, as long as his mother knows how to pronounce it!

I googled it and found that the name in Old English means Ash-Tree Meadow or Ash Wood. It was more popular for boys but in the recent years, more girls are named Ashley.

So this time, I wanna tag the following people ;D

* Elly – Me & My Son

* Mott’s Muttering

* Rambling Moo

* Julian & Morin

* Desperate Mummy

Instructions :

**Start Copy**Proposition: What is the meaning of your kid’s name?Requirements: write about what or how or why you giving the name to your kids.Quantity: FIVE PEOPLE.

Tag Mode:
1st – You leave their blog and post link and add to the list below.
2nd – Let the blogger you want to tag know they been tagged by comment in their blog or etc.

Shoppingmum and KidsThe Meaning of My Kids’ Names – Justin and Isabelle

JudyMeaning of the name TERRY

ShannonMeaning of the Kiddo’s name

YvonneThe Meaning of Ryan’s Name

NadiaMeaning of lil’ tyke’s name

Mommy to Chumsy Meaning of my Munchkin’s name

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7 Responses to Meaning of my Munchkin’s name

  1. Elly says:

    Hey…burn midnite oil to do your tag! done! Have a superdy duper time at the party bash…i know sure havoc with all da kids huh! am sure Ashley will be excited n delighted! Pls kissy her for me…her special day wor…tell her present from tis aunty when i meet up with her mummy ok! gdnite. leaving early for CH…must zzz now. call u when i’m back…

  2. Hijackqueen says:

    Ashley is a nice name. Some people even make it sound fanciful by spelling it as Ashleigh.

  3. mott says:

    oops! I just did this.

    I didn’t realise you tagged me..until I read my comments!

    I’ll go link u up.

  4. Angeleyes says:

    wah!!!! I think I kena this tag at least 5x!!! Sei mou???? LOL
    Darrius is the king! hahhahaa

  5. Jo says:

    Ashleigh….. Ashleigh.. unique spelling! How come we didn’t think of that 🙂

  6. FireHorse says:

    Nice name, I’ve also been tagged by this meme but haven’t done it yet, better get going before Mott kicks me off her island.

  7. Sasha says:

    oi very short ah this tag being answered.

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