Some “ME” Time

My mother is visiting for a couple of days so I got some “ME” time 😀 Really need a break sometimes. Ever since I had Ashley, I would just go to the hair saloon for a quick haircut. Nothing fancy, just the regular bob style.

Yesterday night I feel like getting my hair permed and so I dropped by the hair saloon this morning and finally did it. Yes!!! I haven’t had my hair permed for more than 5 years now. It really felt so good to have a nice massage when my hair was being washed. I sat in the saloon for almost 3 hours just reading magazines, watching people while having my hair pulled, stretched, rinsed and rinsed again. Ahhhhh……bliss 😀 (would be better if they had served coffee too).

My hair is still shoulder length but with some curls now. I think I need some time to get used to it 😀 The hairdresser told me not to let my hair dry on its own so I need to scrunch it dry with some cream thingy that she asked me to buy. Can’t resist since she kept saying that the cream is really good for the hair, makes my hair look really nice…etc. I’m a sucker when it comes to stuff like these.

When I came home, Ashley couldn’t recognise me. She stared at me and I didn’t say anything, just waiting for her response. She continued staring until I called her name. Then she broke into a smile. Silly girl 😀

Well, I’m not going to post a photo of my latest hairdo ;P Very embarrasing y’all!! I guess the next project will be a day at the spa ……..anyone wants to join me??

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16 Responses to Some “ME” Time

  1. laundryamah says:

    wah new hairstyle & also doing paid posts too huh??? wah can’t wait to see ya!

  2. Peng says:

    new hairstyle must show your friends mar:)

  3. Sasha says:

    i wanna see!!! go spa ah? ask yr neighbourhoood fren to go along la hahah

  4. Etcetera~Mommy says:

    Aarrhh… I long for some MeMe time too….

  5. Desperate Mummy says:

    Wah, new hairstyle? Post ur photo and share wif us lar 😀

  6. mom2ashley says:

    must be a huge difference cause ashley couldn’t recognize you!

  7. Annie Q says: ur new hair style, make u look more fresh..
    spa..i wan i wan i wan..i need to “ME” time toooooo…*sob sob*

  8. ShannonC. says:

    SHOW LAE SHOW LAR! me want seeeeee

  9. mommy of two angels says:

    wah self pampering so shiok la! i want toooooo

  10. Vien says:

    no pics? aiseh! nvm..i’ll request jo to snap one..muahahahaha…

  11. HMom says:

    must really feel great – to have me time and a new look. I think all mummies should have their me time once in a while – defintely work wonders

  12. Nadia says:

    Post pictures!!!!! 🙂

  13. Sweetpea says:

    misti post yar!! great to have some ME time. sigh…i wanna join spa. u send me airticket?? 😛

  14. zara's mama says:

    I want I want I want!

    I want to highlight my hair or go for spa.. but.. how to leave the kids and the husband behind?

    Must be a big make over huh? Until she can’t recognise you. 😛

  15. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    hey everyone! Thanks for your nice comments 🙂 No lah…not going to post my photo, malu *blush*. I thought after I’ve permed my hair, ashley would not want to play with it when she’s sucking her thumb but I was wrong!

    Wow…so many mommies also want some “ME” time 😀 All daddies will be stuck at home looking after the children 😀

  16. Angeleyes says:

    I had my 1st retail therapy without Darrius yesterday and Thanks to Amah for dating me out! 😛

    You are on PPP too!!!!!

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