the things she does ………

Yesterday afternoon, I put my kettle on the stove and then took a nap in the living room while Ashley was playing by herself. Ten minutes later, the kettle starting whistling. I could hear it but I did not get up as I wanted to see what Ashley would do ๐Ÿ™‚ She went to the kitchen and stood near the entrance (she couldn’t go in as I have put up a barrier) and looked at the kettle. Then she ran back to the living room and tried to wake me up. She pushed me and kept saying “(Get) Up”, “(Get) Up”. I got up and asked her what’s the matter. Ashley doesn’t know how to say the word “kettle” yet. She ran to the kitchen and pointed her finger at the kettle and said “ssshhh ssshhh” (the sound of the kettle) ๐Ÿ˜€ She wanted to tell me that the water is boiled ๐Ÿ˜€

Ashley lying on the floor….one of her favourite things to do



Ashley has been potty-trained to poo when she was 3 months old by my mum. Normally she’ll poo-poo after lunch when I put her on the potty. She is using the regular plastic potty, the kind that I used as a child. Last night while we were watching tv, Ashley started to point at her diaper. I thought she was trying to immitate the babies dancing in the Huggies commercial on tv so I ignored her. After a while, she was took my hand and led me to the room. I asked her what she wanted to do and she said, “poo poo“. She must have some unfinished business since she already pooed in the afternoon. Now the next step is to start training her to pee in the potty ๐Ÿ˜€
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15 Responses to the things she does ………

  1. karenyiau says:

    Hi I’ve just tagged you!! ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s in

  2. Etcetera~Mommy says:

    Potty trained at 3 mths.. that’s very good. Ryan still cant poo in a potty ๐Ÿ™ He can be half way at it and just stopped when we bring the potty…

  3. Desperate Mummy says:

    ๐Ÿ˜€ Ashely clever girl. My girl is going to 3 yrs old but she still haven’t potty train.

  4. Vien says:

    Clever girl! Now you have to start to train her to poo poo in the toilet bowl. It will be must easier for you.

  5. Mama BoK says:

    So clever .. know how to call mummy .. when the water is boiling..!! Pee pee training is easier than poo poo training i think.. therefore.. you will have Ashley trained in no time.. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Nadia says:

    Clever girl!!! I havent trained Irfan to poo in a potty yet. Haha. That’s because he doesn’t have a fixed time to poo lah. Aiya.. how ah?

  7. Sasha says:

    jayden also poop in the potty at nanny’s but not in house. Maybe always out of the house la. Hahaha

    Ash, so cute. Hey remember u used to told me that she dunno how to talk yet? She’s getting better lah!

  8. Annie Q says:

    me feel shameful la!Ashley and my boys born on the same day, but…my boys till now still haven’t potty train! ๐Ÿ™ And also they dont have a fix time to poo poo one. hahaha

  9. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    karen – alamak….kena tagged???

    etcetera-mommy – hahaha..ryan is so funny..can stop halfway.

    desperate mummy – if not for my mum, i don’t know when i’ll train ashley ๐Ÿ™‚

    vien – yes ๐Ÿ˜€ ashley is more interested in looking at what’s in the toilet bowl ๐Ÿ˜€ hey, i found the colourful training seat at toysRus ๐Ÿ˜€

    mamabok – thanks ๐Ÿ˜€ I sure hope so ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Nadia – Oh..Irfan is smart, he’ll do it in no time ๐Ÿ˜€ My mum always asked me to fix a time for Ashley to poo poo, like in the morning but she still prefers noon. sigh…macam robot.

    sasha – maybe the nanny’s potty is cuter??? hahahahaha…clever boy, jayden.

    annie – eh, no need to be shameful la….if not for my mum, i think ashley won’t use the potty too ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Jo says:

    Sasha : she still dunno how to call “yee yee”… each time we ask, “call yee yee” she will say, “tzzzzee tzzzee” macam lalat only

  11. stay-at-home mum says:

    My little girl is 2 and a half and I havent potty trained her yet. Under pressure from her teacher to do so. But…I am just not ready! My other 2 kids were only potty trained when they were nearing 3! I have no time to potty train her. ๐Ÿ™

  12. cairo's mommy says:

    Wow, potty trained at 3rd mth is pretty impressive! Mine was just learning to sit in her bumbo chair then :p

    Cairo sor….of potty trained herself after she turned one (ie she will go drag the potty to us when she wants to poo poo, thinking it was a toy) but her system got messed up when we balik kampung for 10 days and she couldn’t find her potty there hahaha. Now i dun even bother to train her again la…

  13. HMom says:

    Good girl! Knows that she should alert u!

  14. Sweetpea says:

    u kena tag double time! but only do this when you are free-er ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. laundryamah says:

    wah clever girl! dunno when my girl is gonna tell me before she poos…..

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