Coffee Break

Went out to a nearby kopitiam in my neighbourhood after Ashley had her dinner yesterday night. This place serve the best Hainan Ice Coffee and it was really strong. Just what I like ;D Many kopitiams are mushrooming in KL, serving the good old half boiled eggs, breads with butter and kaya, all types of coffee and other local food. The one which we went to has a different twist – with Wifi 😉 On the way out, my husband asked me if I would like to bring along my laptop so that I can do some work ;D He knows how crazy his wife is. LOL. Of course I didn’t do that. One needs a break sometimes and guess what I brought instead? The newspaper! I didn’t get a chance to read the papers while I was at home so what better way to read it than when sipping some ice cold coffee?
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5 Responses to Coffee Break

  1. mama bok says:

    Wow..! lucky you didn’t bring your laptop..! else .. i salute you lor..!!

  2. Health Freak Mommy says:

    You’re really a coffee person eh? I see you’re drinking lots of coffee! Your hubs is so supportive of you, lucky you!

  3. Big Pumpkin says:

    I’m also a coffee addict. I usually have my laptop at SBX once a week in the mornings. It’s really hard to stay away from the darn laptop! I have to FORCE myself!!! So I think I need to make myself a timetable – haha…

  4. Annie Q says:

    Ur lou kong so thoughtful and so supportive!
    Talk about i feel like want to have hainan coffee…..

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