that’s me. F-A-T. i look like a whale now. last year, around this time, i managed to lose some weight….actually i went back to my pre-Ashley weight. somehow, the kilos that i have lost managed to find their way back
sigh…..i’m only eating 2 meals a day and yet, the weight keep increasing. last night, i told myself that i need to do something about this. i have to shed some kilos and make sure they don’t come back this time. so today, i started to eat differently. ok, i’m actually on a diet.
it’s back to 2 pieces of wholemeal bread, some tomatoes, cucumbers and a piece of ham for brunch. dinner would be a bowl of vegetable soup. of course i still have a cup of coffee in the morning
boy i’m hungry now but i better not think of food. the first day of the diet is the worse and i feel like i’m going to faint now.
dear god,
please give me the willpower to lose weight
please help me to stay motivated
please don’t let me think of wanton mee, pan mee, curry mee, bagels, muffins, cakes and all those sinfully delicious food
hi. Thnx for dropping by my blog. long time no hear frm u.
Jst some words of encouragements and to share my xperience:
I used to be 60 kg before I got married. After married i practice the pattern of eating like an upside dwn pyramid. Morning eat a lot, sometimes 2 portions; lunch eat less, take less rice, eat more vege and white meat instead of red meat; then dinner only MILO and cram cracker or bread. Dinner has to be before 7.30pm. Must not skip breakfast. No brunching or snacks in between main meals. Then cut dwn sugar & fatty stuff. My wt went dwn gradually 1 kg per month for 6 months then stay put at 45 kg till now even after i have 4 kids (breastfeeding also helps to maintain my wt). Cereal will help u loose the fats too. But I nevr lie it. good luck
Good for you. But I think you should just reduce fatty food intake but not starve yourself.
i think its because of the bagel and the good and delicious food u always indulge. Well, can’t say much cos I look like hippo now. Good luck!
hihi..the key word is moderation…cut down on oily food and take in more complex carbo…actually i have the opp prob,..i lost much weight since i became sahm…i need to gain back at least 1 to 2 kgs to look healhty..let’s work towards our goals together!!
I think I can, I think I can…U can do it! I always post food in my blog wor, means less visits from u already…haha
Barb, breakfast is important, u cannot skip. Maybe u can make it a point like having 5 small meal a day, rather than having so “strict” diet? U still eat like normal, but cut down on the rice portion and meat. Then dinner try to have it before 7pm, no supper. Walau! Sound like a pro? hahahahha, but me also still a big hippo!!!
Think u should plan your diet instead of going on a crash course. Dieting is never on my to-do-list but I think basically its reduce Fats and Carbo intake. Eat a good breakfast, have a light lunch (salad or fruits) and a early dinner so you can fully digest your food before u hit the sack.
Good luck to your dieting!
Hmm… crach diet wont work wan wor… Coz when your body finally slows down it’s metabolism because of less food intake, then you start eating normally again, metabolic rate will still be slow, therefore the weight will be piled on again… it’s a spiral :S
Better to just eat healthily?
DOnt be so hard on yourself on the first of diet. Perhaps you can have 5 small snacks a day instead of just 2 main meals.
Hahha!! you make me laugh so hard with your prayer lah..!
I need the same will power! Come jia yiu together….
I also need that willpower la
Say…if we all band together… u think, perhaps, maybe, we can all lose weight together???
Sigh… dun give up the good food, just eat less of it. WHY DO WE TORTURE OURSELVES????
haha your prayer very funny. i just signed on a yoga package…dunno how long I will last! I also need to stop thinking of sinful food – for me, it’s fast food. I’m a fast food junkie!