More than a year ago, I wrote a long post about Ashley who stopped drinking milk when she was 8 months old. At that time, I was really freaked out. It just happened one day and she simply refused to drink any milk at all. Actually she disliked milk when she turned 3 months old. Ashley wouldn’t finish her milk each time and I would have to sing to her in order for her to finish it. Then when she completely stopped drinking milk at 8 months old, I tried changing bottles, gave sippy cups or straws but she still won’t drink her milk. In the end, I had to spoonfeed her while letting her watch her favourite dvds. So, the spoonfeeding went on until she was around 2.5 years old *shake head* After that, I began to hold a cup for her drink her milk and gradually get her to hold it herself. Now, feeding her milk is not a headache anymore. She would hold her cup and drink it. Sigh…………it is not easy to be a mother 🙁
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Oh gosh.. I can imagine.. feeding spoon by spoon; for umpteen times a day/night. It’s not easy. My boy is the other way round. He can ask for milk half an hour after he just gobbled 7oz down..
oh dear…what was the reason for not wanting milk at 8 months??
Thank god she is drinking milk on her own now and no more spoon feeding. I agree, really susah being a mother.
all ur hardwork finally paid off!!!
same like my boy huh, doesn’t want milk bottle when he is 1 year old and i need to spoonfeed him till now 🙁 sometimes he will hold cupn drink himself, depends on his mood…really not easy being a mother…headache, headache..
I freaked out when Izac refused the bottle too at about 10 or 11 mths when I wanted to wean him. Aigh, so until now he’s a booby boy loh…
My girl is 4 and she still drinks from the bottle…sigh..well done!
that’s good news 🙂 Out of curiosity, was Ashley breastfed? I’d noticed that generally, breastfed babies don’t like non-breast milk and hates bottles too.
Wow..!! you very patient lah..!! great mother..!
u are a very very patience mom!! spoon by spoon..gosh..can’t imagine me doing that..think by the 4th spoon, I would have blow my top!
my lil missy is 17 mths now, she will always leave 1 oz behind no matter what. its as though she can measure wan. keksim i tell u!
Wow!~ spoon feeding for so many months for milk~~~~ i imagining how u do that!~ u’re really a great mother!!
my boys still drink from bottles. *shame*
spoon feeding…… wow… you are a wonderful mum!