No More Spoonfeeding

More than a year ago, I wrote a long post about Ashley who stopped drinking milk when she was 8 months old. At that time, I was really freaked out. It just happened one day and she simply refused to drink any milk at all. Actually she disliked milk when she turned 3 months old. Ashley wouldn’t finish her milk each time and I would have to sing to her in order for her to finish it. Then when she completely stopped drinking milk at 8 months old, I tried changing bottles, gave sippy cups or straws but she still won’t drink her milk. In the end, I had to spoonfeed her while letting her watch her favourite dvds. So, the spoonfeeding went on until she was around 2.5 years old *shake head* After that, I began to hold a cup for her drink her milk and gradually get her to hold it herself. Now, feeding her milk is not a headache anymore. She would hold her cup and drink it. Sigh…………it is not easy to be a mother 🙁

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14 Responses to No More Spoonfeeding

  1. etceteramommy says:

    Oh gosh.. I can imagine.. feeding spoon by spoon; for umpteen times a day/night. It’s not easy. My boy is the other way round. He can ask for milk half an hour after he just gobbled 7oz down..

  2. LittleLamb says:

    oh dear…what was the reason for not wanting milk at 8 months??

  3. Mummy Gwen says:

    Thank god she is drinking milk on her own now and no more spoon feeding. I agree, really susah being a mother.

  4. 2ma says:

    all ur hardwork finally paid off!!!

  5. Lovely Mummy says:

    same like my boy huh, doesn’t want milk bottle when he is 1 year old and i need to spoonfeed him till now 🙁 sometimes he will hold cupn drink himself, depends on his mood…really not easy being a mother…headache, headache..

  6. sue says:

    I freaked out when Izac refused the bottle too at about 10 or 11 mths when I wanted to wean him. Aigh, so until now he’s a booby boy loh…

  7. Contentedmom says:

    My girl is 4 and she still drinks from the bottle…sigh..well done!

  8. Bryan's Mama says:

    that’s good news 🙂 Out of curiosity, was Ashley breastfed? I’d noticed that generally, breastfed babies don’t like non-breast milk and hates bottles too.

  9. mama bok says:

    Wow..!! you very patient lah..!! great mother..!

  10. Blessed mum says:

    u are a very very patience mom!! spoon by spoon..gosh..can’t imagine me doing that..think by the 4th spoon, I would have blow my top!

  11. Irene says:

    my lil missy is 17 mths now, she will always leave 1 oz behind no matter what. its as though she can measure wan. keksim i tell u!

  12. little prince's mummy says:

    Wow!~ spoon feeding for so many months for milk~~~~ i imagining how u do that!~ u’re really a great mother!!

  13. Annie Q says:

    my boys still drink from bottles. *shame*

  14. Vivianz says:

    spoon feeding…… wow… you are a wonderful mum!

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