Recently, the skin on two of Ashley’s fingers (left hand), her palm and her right sole have started to peel. It began with one finger near the nail area and then it went down to the base. The skin was peeling off in layers As you can see from the photos below, the peeling on her feet covered a rather large area. I wonder if this is some kind of eczema. I applied some lotion on the affected areas but it didn’t have much effect. I didn’t bring her to see the paed though. The peeling episodes went on for about 2 weeks and now they are gone. Pretty strange eh? Has any of your children experienced that?
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hi barbara.. my girl Fernie also has this skin problem, drying and peeling of skin.. till today… on her fingers especially.. the skin specialist asked me to detect the source in the house.. so far, i am still in the dark what she is sensitive with… more on the right hand.. so i suspect it might be the soap solution …either the face cleanser or the body cleanser..
I was puzzled by this as well coz I just noticed today that the skin on Gwen’s soles are peeling too. I just applied lotion on her and I hope it will go away soon. Maybe it’s because of the Langkawi trip. Really strange.
i have no idea why. but maybe you can try changing ashley’s shower gel to some oil-based shower gel???
that’s quite a big patch. does it hurt? maybe applying baby lotion after every bath may prevent this..
Poor baby girl…
Try to use Rosken Skin Repair – Vitamin E. It works wonder for both adults & kids and it doesn’t cause any side effect. Body wash use SebaMed lor… i knw it’s expensive but wat to do… ur daughter got expensive skin Hahahahahah
Old Chinese belief, they says that it is because of the dry cold air blowing down to Malaysia from the northern countries. Normally this will happen around Chinese New Year period, sometimes my skin peels too during these time.
Or…maybe she got into contact with young papaya sap or manggo sap…can cause skin to peel.
I used to have this esp on my sole when I was young. Can peel until cannot walk! And when they wear school shoes it could get worse! Come on and off wan.
I have to put ALOT of moisturizer and when it is peeling, try not to scratch or let it get worse. Mine got so bad that I have seen skin 5-6 specialists!
Hope Ashley’s will not be that bad and recurrent.
probably just dry skin only
wow, this is something new to me. i only experience skin peeling after kena sun burn. but i believe in sebamed soap too..
I got it when i was still a kid. Mine one is so “serious” sometime my skin will crack till it bleed. I remember got one time so serious, till my both hand swallon and cannot practise my piano, at that time i’m so happy because can skip class.
Doctor did tell me don’t use strong detergent, like “Fat” washing detergent, too strong. After that i also don’t know how it cure.
Hope Ashely one not too serious, maybe just a time for her to “change skin”? hehehe
i think dry skin. use a different type of shower sebamed??
i always kena wan. SO dun worry. maybe she need rosken.
hi everyone. thanks for your suggestions. will get sebamed and rosken
i also think it is just dry skin..
sometimes it happened to me too, and it would disappear….just apply lotion more….no worry for it, i guess. elder says it is just “changing skin” … ;p
This happened to Alycia when she was a newborn. It also happened to me when I was carrying Baby C. After the layer of ‘old’ skin shed off, the new layer of skin was really soft and smooth! Strange eh?
Could possibly be Tinea incognito grab some cream from a local chemist – its cheap and won’t do any damage if diagnosis is wrong.