her own room

Recently we received the Ikea brochure on storage. As usual, the lil’ missy will flip through the brochure earnestly….I think she’s an Ikea fan like her parents ๐Ÿ˜€

Then she came to this page and stared at it hard and long.ย  I didn’t think much of it until she told us (more than 8 times) that she wants a room like that.ย  I asked her that if we do get her a room like that, is she going to sleep there by herself.ย  She said yes and even told me to put all her toys and books in the colourful storage boxes….just like the picture.ย  So, off we went to Ikea yesterday to start the ‘Ashley’s Own Room’ project.ย  We checked out the storage combinations and some accessories.ย  Hubs bought the pretty pink flower lamp and the Svala table with 2 chairs.ย  We’ll be making more trips to Ikea now ๐Ÿ˜‰

Pink flower lamp

Svala Table and Chairs

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21 Responses to her own room

  1. Hi. have fun working on her room. I’m working on her playroom, she still refuse to sleep on her own. If I can I’ll have her sleep with me till she’s 16 !!! The whole Ikea set can cost quite a bomb huh ? I’m slowly accumululating bits n pieces. man man lei lor… ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. rachel says:

    ahahhaahha look at Elaine’s response…Amber to sleep with her till 16… then her hubby will ???

    Anyway IKEA stuff always nice looking ..but there are also other kids stuff from Jusco or furniture also nice.

    I would like to see ur end results..

  3. Marilyn says:

    OOO…..looks like”tai ko lui” ya…thinking to have her own room to have her privacy?…but tht’s a gud start as you no need to persuade her ler to sleep on her own…bravo Ashley!…

  4. Paik Ling says:

    Exciting!!! have fun and good luck ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Cynthia says:

    enjoy ya… I have more years of relax till Princess grows that age.. hahaha.. ๐Ÿ™‚ but I love the pink fan! and good for Ashley that she wanted a room for herself! mummy, jia you…

  6. Sophia says:

    You shud hav bought de plastic colourful table & chairs.

    The wooden chair seat breaks easily & wood from the side of the table chip off easily too. Probably you hav to get Andy to sandpaper the side of the table; or else Ashley will be screaming of splinters on de finger ๐Ÿ˜›

    oh really? i’ll get hubs to check it. looks pretty smooth to me though ๐Ÿ˜€ we didn’t get the colorful table and chairs cos the colors do not go with my furniture ๐Ÿ˜€ they are for the living room and not her bedroom ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. wen says:

    a very good excuse and reason to shift her to her own room. good luck!

  8. Annie Q says:

    mine still telling me, they want to sleep with me.

    Enjoy your “project”.

  9. blessed mom says:

    The lamp is beaufitul! my 2 girls used to have a “Ikea” design room too, but they still wants to sleep with us ๐Ÿ™

  10. Adeline says:

    how cute! i bet must have been influenced by u while she was still in your womb. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    hahahaha….i guess so ๐Ÿ˜‰

  11. Adrine says:

    That’s a nice flower lamp!

    Good that she brought up the idea of her own room herself. Hmm…. I wonder when I’m gonna get my room back!!!!

  12. Irene says:

    ah nice… IKEA is always nice.. ๐Ÿ™‚
    can’t wait to see the new ASH’s room ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. lovelymummy says:

    there’s also the yellow bettle lamp, very nice too. ๐Ÿ™‚ i really cant wait to see Ashley’s new bedroom..

  14. Big Pumpkin says:

    Errr…..don’t get your hopes up too high, eh? We just spent close to RM3k in Ikea for Tee’s ‘new’ bedroom because she said she is a big girl now and wants a nice, nice room……we have been busy assembling furniture this past 2 weeks and ahem….no sign of moving out anytime soon!!!! She can change her mind like the wind one!!! Even I love her room more than my own room!!

    i know eh….kids change their minds real quick. i have a feeling that ashley won’t sleep in her own room ๐Ÿ™ that’s why, we are only buying the stuff one at a time cos ikea stuff is expensive ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. HN says:

    Very nice purchase indeed, especially the pinky lamp:) We have got a set of small wooden chairs and table for our 2 y/o Sethy as well (but a a little different from yous); We put it in the living room as his ‘writing’ desk instead :)He enjoys sitting on it till now!

  16. Merryn says:

    not ALL Ikea stuffs are expensive. some are cheaper if compared to some other brands. half of my house uses Ikea’s stuff and almost all oso I assemble one. Hubs will do nothing with the assembling part coz he’s a total idiot when it comes to reading manuals. i tot u furnishing ashley’s room, tiba-tiba got furniture for living room pulaks! this mommy, cari chance to squeeze something for the house in the name of ashley! LOL!…

  17. Ann says:

    oh….happy decorating. Did you get the Ikea Friends card? My parents wre telling me for the little they have spent, they have quite alot of vouchers in return!

    Hope Ashleyw ill love her new room and enjoy sleeping in it!

  18. mummy gwen says:

    Wah…Ashley is big girl already lor..hehe. Make her room like Ikea showroom sure very cozy one..hehe.

  19. chanelwong says:

    have fun setting up the room…

  20. 2ma says:

    this is a fun project! enjoy it!!

  21. Mama BoK says:

    Love the flower lamp.. how much was it.. if you donch mind me asking.

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