Mrs. Know-It-All

That’s me. I have become a Mrs. Know-It-All because I have all the answers to every question. The lil’ missy would be asking me tons and tons of them everyday. She has yet to ask me the meaning of big words like Tee  ( would ask her mommy.  Now is the  “Who, What, Where, Why” phase.  Some of the typical questions are:-

What is that noise?

Where is daddy going?

Who cleared all the mess?

Tell me why the man stop playing the saxophone?

What happened to the ladybug?

Where is my book?

Why is the paper on the floor?

Sometimes when hubs is at home and I am busy reading the Colonix reviews or doing other stuff, I’ll ask her to direct all the questions to him 😀


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19 Responses to Mrs. Know-It-All

  1. Cynthia says:

    the questioning time starts ya.. Ashley can ask using all the “wh” is good… and mummy, enjoys it ya… 🙂 My brother only used to ask Why last time, till we gets so irritated and just answer him “Z”… muahhaah 🙂

  2. cathj says:

    Hi visiting your blog… 🙂

    Jeez.. I will try to answer by boy like you He is turning 3 this month, yet already got soo much of questions.. T_T

  3. cathj says:

    1 more thing… I love your prayer lol.. ‘…make my friend fat’…hahahhahaha

  4. claire says:

    so she is Miss Ask All and u r Mrs. Know It All.. good she asks a lot.. dont be like my quiet girlie.. now i have to drill her to talk more … even told the teacher that she is too quiet, please teach her to be more talkative.. hahhaa.. the teacher also agreed to my suggestion..

  5. Paik Ling says:

    Eh we all complain now….wait till they grow and don’t want to be even seen with us!!!! 🙂

  6. Blur Mama says:

    sooooo…what did happen to the ladybug? and yes, why the man stop playing the saxophone? tell lar…kekkekke

  7. Ann says:

    Why or why? Becuase the sky is so high…
    Why or why? Becuase I tell you so, that’s why….
    Why or why? Simply because….

    LOL….looking forward and yet not to this stage!

  8. Record it down, then when they are teenager….we ask them back….ha ha, LOL!

  9. Annie Q says:

    more to come Barb!! Later will be more terror questions coming up. hahhahahhahahaha

  10. clairity says:

    It’s a lot of fun answering kids’ questions, loved it when my kids were that age 🙂 Have fun!

  11. Merryn says:

    n dat is her when she is NOT satisfied with the answers given by u or ur hubs isit? hahahhaha.. my mother last time was very harsh, when i ask her questions for the thousand times, she’ll answer, dun ask why why why lah! @@

  12. lovelymummy says:

    last time i worry why my son slow in his speaking, but now so talkative, asking me just like Ashely. headache too right? but it’s so happy and glad when you hear that, right?

  13. sasha says:

    better read up more eh? hahha she’s getting smarter and smarter each day thanks to yr answers

  14. mummy gwen says:

    That’s just means she is a smart gal. A thinker. 🙂

  15. blessed mom says:

    seems like mommies are all Ms Know-It-All.

    My kids will ask all sort of qtns too and like you, when I too busy, will get them to asked hubby 🙂

  16. 2ma says:

    for those who watch, its funny! but for those who have to answer to the never-ending WHYS, it is crazy!! *haha*

  17. Jacelyn says:

    mine oso talk non-stop at home…..ask all kinds of questions till i feel fed up! hehe …. 🙁

  18. Big Pumpkin says:

    Heh, thanks for the mention. Sometimes, when I’m too lazy to think, I just look into her eyes seriously and say I DON’T KNOW.

  19. Adeline says:

    haha.. enjoy it while u can..
    matt’s stepson thinks the world of him. he thinks superdad knows it all … because matt tells him so, and he is still young and doesn’t know any better to refute it. ;P

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