Once in a while, my mom would burn incense (kemenyan) and she would go round the house holding the incense burner. She said it’s good to get rid of mosquitoes. Last night she did it again and there was a lot of smoke everywhere. Ashley thought it was funny and asked my mom to put the burner down. Then she sat in front of it and started saying some magical spells – “Salaga-doola, menchika-boola“
Ashley pretending to be a fairy godmother (a skinny minny one)
more magical spell
LOL!!!!! Ashley so cute and creative, she must be watch this from the TV?
Ahaha, cute girl..
as usual, she’s so cute and funny. So, did mommy feel dizzy after her chanting and did you be her ‘slave’ instead hehhehe…
Seen too much fairytale or magic spells cartoon movies.. hehee…
Did you ask her what she was wishing for? Perhaps for her mum to disappear??? LOL
ooh.. she’s so funny… can perform magic chants !! eh. at this age, they start to like all things magical, magic brooms, witch etc. Amber calls a witch, b**** !! LOL ! she tells me snow white stories. bla bla bla.. the friends.. short short ones. bla bla… the b*** !! baru i pasang telinga and dengar ! LOL !
Hahaha! Hey, mummy, it’s time to get some genie costumes for this Lady Gaga Ashley!
Ooooo…..I think I need a consultation with someone from the other side. How much per session?
Hahaha..she is very cute and funny. A lot of great imagination and creativity. 🙂
This girl definitely has Hollywood potential 🙂 Well done, mommy!
she is so funny!
LOL….ask her to do magic to chase away all the moskies!
Hi! Cld you ask your mum how to burn the kemenyan thingy cos my charcoal dies after a short while when I added to kemenyan. lots of smoke for like 3 secs and then gone. i need lots of smoke for all the rooms. got lots of mosquitoes and mites and bugs. Tks