another birthday celebration

It was my MIL’s birthday on Saturday. I decided to make some ice-cream cakes to celebrate πŸ™‚Β  Instead of using a tray, I bought some aluminium foil bowls (which are for lor mai kai) and made ice-cream cuppies.


Got some pretty heart sprinkles too as topping


Oh, I finally bought a rolling pin.Β  Here is Ashley helping me to crush the cookies.


After stiring in the melted butter, it’s time to press them into the little bowls.


I bought 2 different types of ice-cream this time – chocolate and vanilla.Β  Some of the cuppies have vanilla ice-cream as first layer and some chocolate ice-cream.


Here are the cuppies. We celebrated MIL’s birthday at Swez Brasserie, Eastin Hotel.Β  I brought the cuppies to the restaurant and the staff was so kind to keep them in the freezer for me.


Ashley playing around after she has finished her dinner.


Cuppies blowing time.Β  Ashley told everyone that her mommy made the cakes and they should all say ‘Thank You’ to her mommy πŸ˜‰Β  She also told them that she helped me to make them too *grins*

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22 Responses to another birthday celebration

  1. Hayley says:

    Wow, cup cakes with lots of love! Good job Barbara πŸ˜‰
    Happy belated birthday to your MIL!!

    thanks πŸ™‚

  2. ChloeMummy says:

    Nice! Ashley is so pretty as usual πŸ™‚ You are really thoughtful, Barb. I’ve never baked/made anything for my MIL (in my 10 years of marriage) :p

    thank you πŸ™‚ well…this is my first time making something for her πŸ˜‰

  3. Debbie says:

    Very nice! You are so creative Barb. I know your MIL’s birthday is the same as mine but this year I forgot! Getting old I guess…..she looks good….Happy Belated Birthday to your Mum In Law! So you finally got the rolling pin…hehe…now you can make many things! πŸ˜€

    Thanks Debbie. You had a lovely celebration too…the boys are so thoughtful πŸ™‚ Oh yeah…I finally got the rolling pin….can smack someone’s head with it too….hehhehehhee

  4. Merryn says:

    Aww.. NICE! I’ve never done anything for MY MIL! LoL.. better don’t let hubs read THIS!

    thanks πŸ™‚

  5. Alice Law says:

    So thoughtful of you to make ice cream cupcakes for your MIL, well done to Avery too!:)

    Happy belated birthday to your MIL! Keep well and have a nice day!

    Thanks Alice:)

  6. Mummy Gwen says:

    Happy Belated Birthday To Your MIL! So creative lah you, Barb. Ashley looks so beautiful in the dress.

    thanks YL πŸ™‚

  7. MK mummy says:

    Ashley looks like a little lady there.. pretty..

    nice looking cuppies there.. I have to try to make it too

    thanks πŸ™‚

  8. Ann says:

    hahaha….good idea indeed. And Ashley so sweet. Appreciate mummy’s effort also. Looks so prim and pretty in the pic.

    thank you Ann πŸ™‚

  9. Blur Mama says:

    made with such thoughtfulness!! and love love love Ashley’s dress. You have really good taste Barb..

    merci beaucoup πŸ™‚ your girls will inherit it…kkekeekkekekeke

  10. Clairity says:

    It’s good to have a little helper in the kitchen. And what a wonderful thought for your MIL’s birthday πŸ™‚

    thanks πŸ™‚

  11. yvonne says:

    Wow, Barb. Investing into aluminium bowls is a wonderful idea. I never thought of that. The cake is easier to scoop and eat, and the best part of all – it does not require cutting. I’ve been procrastinating the making of my ice cream cake because I couldn’t find appropriate container… lame excuse, hahaha!

    i got the idea after seeing MNHL’s Diary’s 2nd attempt. It’s really hard to cut the ice-cream and when you scoop them with a spoon, the cookie crumbs will fall everywhere. so when everyone has their own bowl, they can eat it easily.

  12. BoeyJoey says:

    What a great idea, Barb! And what a great help Ashley is. And I love her dress; goes very well with the rest of the assemble :-D. You’re a very thoughtful “sampou” too. I stopped making anything for my in-laws many years ago… haha!

    thanks πŸ™‚ hmm…perhaps this is the only time i’m making something for her πŸ˜‰

  13. ipohgal says:

    Wow, what a good DIL you are! Surely your MIL are very touched and your hubby very proud too! Your little girl looked very charming also. Thanks for this recipe. Will make some too this coming holiday.

    thanks πŸ™‚ i’m sure everyone in your family would enjoy this πŸ™‚

  14. rachel says:

    Ashley looks very sweet in the dress..and of course pretty too πŸ™‚

  15. Annie Q says:

    wow wow wow!!! Barb, your ice cream look very very nice!! Now you make me also want to try this out! You’re so creative by putting it inside the small alluminium foil bowls and decorate it. Tsk tsk tsk tsk. Well done Barb! * clap clap clap*

    Next time do some for me ok?

  16. Wow, your ice-cream cake deco with lots of heart, haha, surely your MIL feel your love to her. Shenny said Ashley is very lucky and pretty. Shenny loves all those hearts too!

  17. you and Ashley did a great job Barb and I believe it’s really the thought that matters.
    Happy bday to yr MIL
    p/s i like ashley’s mary janes
    pp/sss i want the ice cream cakes πŸ˜€

  18. Shirley Loo says:

    wow…so thoughful of u Barb!!! like a ice cream cupcakes πŸ˜‰ i shall start learning to DIY like u too ;-D and I have to say Ashley really looks sweet in that dress …thanks for sharing yo!

  19. jen cheung says:

    love ashleys dress!! happy birthday to ur MIL πŸ™‚ look at all those beautiful cupcakes! barb you are a baker πŸ™‚

  20. Wow! Nice cake… Ashley is very pretty.. Happy birthday to your MIL..

  21. mnhl says:

    happy belated b’day to your MIL. Bet she loves the ice cream (specially made for her by you). hehehe…..Its the thoughts that counts.

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