Ashley loves eating lotus paste mooncakes as well as the piglet cookies (zhu zai bang). She only wants plain mooncakes which means no egg yolk or kuaci in them. I would like her to try other flavours but Ms. Picky would not even take a small bite. Then an idea struck me. I thought I would just pass off the Red Bean mooncake as chocolate since the colour is similar and it is sweet too. I removed the mooncake from the plastic wrapper so she couldn’t see the words “Red Bean” and gave her a small piece.
Verdict? She loves it and ate half of the Red Bean mooncake……muahahahaha. She even asked me to buy her more ‘chocolate’ mooncakes 🙂
Hahaha! I’m surprised that she can’t tell the difference between red bean and chocolate. I guess she doesn’t eat chocs very often, right? 🙂
yes, she doesn’t get to eat chocs very often 😛
Haha–that’s hilarious!
Good and cunning idea to trick Ashley 😀 Does she eat red bean tong sui?
Hahaha, sometimes mommy needs to be tricky or cunning when it comes to handling picky eaters!
Hmmm……talk about zhu zap bang. I love it too… Yummy 🙂
Haha, nice little trick, but chocolate should be much more sweeter. Glad that she could’t tell the difference.
Haha…tricky mummy. But a success right? Good girl Ashley. Mothers have to be tricky ler.
Chocolate mooncake? LOL! That’s one nice trick to get lil missy to eat mooncake once a year :p
Did mummy reveal it was red bean mooncake she just had hehe.
Smart mummy to trick Ms. Picky. Good try, Barb. I will do that too when there is a way to trick for eating more variety.
Yes, I did the same trick to my girl too.
This post should be called “Being a Trickster!”. Us mums play that role all the time 🙂
Hahahaha….way to go mom! Sometimes we mommy need to think of all the tricks to overcome their ‘trickiness’ (I dont even know if this word exists, hah!)
Red bean is nice. I love them being plain without egg yolks as well.