Bacon Egg Toast Cups For Father’s Day

Yesterday was Father’s Day and we celebrated with some Bacon Egg Toast Cups for dinner using my trusted Happy Call Pan 🙂  Here’s how I did them.

First I fry the bacon a bit


Then I put some butter on the metal cups.  They are cups which are used for making egg tarts.


Cut off the edges of the bread and pressed them a bit to flatten them.  Then cut the bread into half.

Arrange the bread around the cup, put in the bacon, break an egg and add a dash of pepper and some salt.  Close the lid and bake for about 5 mins.

The bacon egg toast cups are ready

I also found this cute craft printable online and I got Ashley to help do it for daddy

It is a DAD glasses which daddy wore but won’t allow his photo to be put in my blog 😀

How was your Father’s Day celebration?

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7 Responses to Bacon Egg Toast Cups For Father’s Day

  1. Angeline says:

    Dear Barb, lovely bacon egg toast cups. I got this idea came into my mind too.

    We’ve an earlier celebration – just a normal dinner.

  2. Ours is a normal dinner too, but I have a fun filled sunday with my boy 🙂

  3. adrine says:

    anything with bacon and eggs sure yummy one. *thumbs up* !!! 🙂

  4. health freak says:

    This looks yummy! Do you have to put water on the HCP when you bake the cups? If there’s no water, did your cups get browned or blackened? We had outside food the whole of yesterday 😀

  5. Chloe'sMummy says:

    I saw this idea in FB too. Never had the urge to try it until I saw it here 🙂 Looks so yummy and easy to make.

  6. lena says:

    must ask shirl to come and look at this :)) she was asking you about these yest..

  7. CL says:

    No father’s day celebration for us …

    Great cooking idea .. thanks … and the DAD glasses .. so cute!

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