Happy Dumpling Festival

I love my bak zhang with everything.  What is your favourite?

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6 Responses to Happy Dumpling Festival

  1. Hayley says:

    Me too! I love all types of bak zhang, hehe..

    Happy dumplings festival!

  2. adrine says:

    I like the normal bak chang with plenty of mushroom, chessnuts and salted egg. Yumz!

  3. Happy dumpling festival too. I love the one with chestnuts. yummy!

  4. Chloe'sMummy says:

    I also like my dumpling with everything but the dumplings here everything also don’t have…very lousy one. Malaysian-made bak zhangs are still the best! 😉

  5. Annie Q says:

    I still got a few in the fridge. kekekekke..i only like bak chang! Yum! No beans, only meat, mushroom, lap cheong, salted egg! Yummy!

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