Her Daily To-Do Tasks

Every evening as soon as we reach home, Ashley knows she has a few tasks to do.  After her shower, she would need to check her homework for that day and then proceed to pack her school bag.  I let her pack her own schoolbag a few months after she entered Primary 1.  Her school is very strict when it comes to children forgetting to bring their books to school.  They get punished if they forget so Ashley is very careful and makes sure she pack everything correctly.  Kudos to the school for instilling a good practice.

After she’s done, it’s homework time.

I cannot help her much when it comes to Chinese homework, especially when it comes to making sentences in Chinese.  So she needs to  look up the words from the dictionary…

or check www.nciku.com when mama is busy.

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5 Responses to Her Daily To-Do Tasks

  1. I don’t know mandarin too. I’m highly dependent on my wife to teach and communicate with Kenji boy in chinese.

  2. Angeline says:

    Me too, I try to help if can. If cannot asked my colleagues. or else I get help rom the internet.

  3. Chloe'sMummy says:

    Same here… I guess daily homework is unavoidable no matter where a kid studies, particularly in Asian countries. Nciku used to be my life saver too but now I prefer to use Google Translate. I’d be completely lost in China without it haha 🙂

  4. mumsgather says:

    She is so neat and organized. My children just chuck all the books into their school boys especially my boy. His books are full of dog ears, with the wrappers hanging loosely no matter how many times I rewrap them. My girl on the other hand, takes forever to pack hers, checking and rechecking to make sure she has not forgotten any homework.

  5. yvonne says:

    My girl comes home from school, packing her bag first, showers and does her homework.

    So far I can help with all subjects except Mandarin homework. Ashley is discipline and neat. Thumbs up!

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