I have come across a few people whose lives are filled with dramas. I always wonder why they experience so many dramas. Could it be that perhaps they really do enjoy having them? Drama is a habit and some people crave for it when their lives seem dull. Also when people’s lives are filled with negativity, they are more susceptible to drama.
I believe that having drama in your life is absolutely a choice. If you want a drama-free life, check these suggestions out which I read recently :-
1. Don’t allow someone to live rent-free in your head. Stop talking about that person who has made you miserable. Fill your head with healthy thoughts instead.
2. Dramas are created because the person is in pain. Thinking and talking on and on about how you have been wronged does not ease the pain. The only peace from pain is the peace you give yourself.
I decided to write this post because of this quote I saw in Joey Yap’s facebook page. This is so true!
Time to stop the Drama Train.