My husband is a bike lover. He bought his first motorbike, a Madass about 7 years ago. He loved his bike very much and even bought fancy helmets and a jacket to wear while riding his bike. A few months after getting the bike, he was in an accident and of course it scared me so much that I pestered him to sell it. He was reluctant to let it go but did so after a few months. During that time, there were no classified websites where he could post his bike for sale and he had to contact the local newspaper and sent in the photo of his bike and the content of his ad.
Quite cumbersome right? Well, now if bike enthusiasts are looking to buy or sell their vehicles, all they need to do is go to this website which I discovered recently – iMotorbike. It is a leading motorbike online classified-ads platform that connects motorbike enthusiasts all over Malaysia who want to buy and sell everything related to motorbikes.
Their classifieds provide easy-to-search listings of motorbikes for sale where one can find new, used, reconditioned motorbikes as well as bikes for rent. Its website is very easy to navigate and you can narrow down your search to the different categories such as make, type, engine, kilometer and more.
Besides buying and selling, iMotorbike also offers a wide range of products such as parts and accessories such as clothing, locks, lubricants and many more. Users can also have access to services such as insurance and financing. All you need to do is fill in the form provided and click submit. Your form will be assessed by the relevant institutions and provide the quotes or offers which match your requirements.
You can basically get everything related to motorbikes here at without the need to open new tabs on your computer screen to search for other information. Another interesting feature on this platform is the many useful and informative news related to motorbikes to keep everyone informed and entertained. is the best, secure and most convenient one-stop website for bike lovers. Check them out today.