Bumped Into A Friend, Oh No :(

When we were at the mall yesterday, I bumped into a former schoolmate. We haven’t seen each other for over 2 years now. I always dread seeing this friend of mine because she loves to inspect a person from head to toe and then make comments on the hair, face, figure, dressing, etc. Yes, she is that kind of a person. So, when she saw me, I knew what her questions would be. She asked me when I started having my hair permed. When I told her it has been a while since I have decided to keep my hair curly, she kept quiet. This is a good thing because I wasn’t in the mood to listen to what she has to say. Then she quickly asked me if I noticed that she has cut her hair short. She is now sporting a bob. Before I could answer her, she asked if she look good compared to her previous long hair 🙁 I told her she looks better now (which is the truth) and even younger 🙂 Needless to say, Ms. Vain was beaming like the Cheshire Cat.
Then she started to tell me that she is tired and she hurt her back, yadda yadda yadda. All this time, she was staring intently at me. You know, like she’s studying my face. I was thinking, oh no, please don’t say anything about my face. Not that I have suddenly grown a patch of hair but I didn’t want to hear anymore about how I look or how she looks. There is more to life than this, ok? Thank God she didn’t say anything. She’s probably waiting for me to comment on how lovely she looks *gulp* Honestly, she looked haggard and her face is full of acne. I think she should go for a colon cleanse to eliminate toxins 😀 I didn’t say anything to her though. Why should I eh? I couldn’t wait to walk away and for the first time, I’m glad that Ashley was getting restless. I quickly said goodbye and left 😀
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3 Responses to Bumped Into A Friend, Oh No :(

  1. kawaii_desu says:

    hi there 🙂

    as for me, i call these kind of people as pengulas sukan…

    i wonder looking like, still blh nak komen macam2 pasal org lain

  2. Shireen Loh says:

    heheh…your friend is the ultimate kepoh…:-D

  3. Kelly says:

    Some ppl just ‘um seek zhou’

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