A day at Grandpa’s House.

It was my dad’s birthday on Saturday. We dropped by his house after lunch for a small celebration. Ashley had so much fun running everywhere. She did not stop to rest at all. Climbed onto the sofa, climbed onto the piano chair and played with the piano, ran to the kitchen and played with all the fridge magnets, etc.
She actually had her kung kung wrapped around her fingers 😉 First she asked him to take her upstairs.

What did she do upstairs?

Playing with the remote controls in the TV room or

jumping and rolling on her kung kung’s bed.

Then, she asked her kung kung to take her downstairs.

This went on for at least 3 times and her kung kung obeyed the wishes of Her Royal Highness. Geez…he wasn’t that patient with us when we were young 😀


Finally, we all sang the birthday song and Ashley blew the candles and not my dad 😀 As usual, my dad had the ice-cream cake which was already melting eventhough it was brought out from the freezer for only 5 minutes. The cake was kinda small actually, but it’s alright cos hubby and I are on a diet….hahhaaha.

Her Royal Highness had some of the cake and then off she went, jumping around in the living room. I thought she would be so tired that she’ll nap in the car on the way home but she didn’t 🙁 That night, I was so tired that konked out before her.

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8 Responses to A day at Grandpa’s House.

  1. Vien says:

    LOL! She is quite a manipulative queen…just like Belle.

  2. Nadia says:

    Haha! I can so feel you! My dad was NOT that patient with us either, but Irfan can wrap him around his fingers man! Tsk tsk tsk…

  3. Annie Q says:

    Happy belated birthday uncle. Ur dad still look very young lei…;)

  4. mott says:

    hee hee…

    happy burpin day, ashley’s kung kung!!!

  5. Mummy to QiQi says:

    yeah yeah…u are absolutely right! Our parents are more lenient with our kids, probaly they are older now, no energy to argue liao…hahaha…!!!

  6. Health Freak Mommy says:

    It’s funny why our parents weren’t that patient with us when we were young but can now tolerate all sorts of nonsense from their grandkids.
    Wah, kung kung looks young hor.

  7. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    vien – yeah she is 😀

    nadia – all grandparents are the same i guess ;D

    annie – thanks. my dad looks young but he is actually quite old already…hehhe

    mott – thanks 😀

    mummy to qiqi – i think they just want to spoil the grandkids 😀

    health freak mum – hahaha..he looks young cos he dyes his hair..yeah my dad is very vain 😀

  8. Sweetpea says:

    kids never fail to be the official candles blowers. and yes, i think i am not the only one saying, kung-kung really young.

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