Since my mother was here since last Saturday, hubby and I went shopping while my mum babysat Ashley. Hubby went to Plaza Low Yat for his therapy shopping – computer stuff while I spent some “me” time at Lot 10. Saw some fabulous shoes on sale but didn’t get any though. Timberland has 50% off some of their range. Very tempted to buy a pair of blue sneakers but I controlled myself 🙂 When I went upstairs, MNG was having a sale. As usual mostwomen were crowding around that small area. I got myself a t-shirt at 50% off 😀
Was wondering if Elly was around this area so I gave her a call. Nope, she was already in Bangsar so I continued my shopping alone. Then, I got hungry and went downstairs and got myself a sandwich at Sun Moulin and a cup of coffee. It’s a funny feeling sitting down and eating by myself, with no hyper-active toddler in a highchair beside me 😀 After that, I walked over to KL Plaza as the Factory Outlet store was in there. Managed to get myself a pair of Gap pants and 2 Old Navy t-shirts for Ashley. Here’s my loot –
Thank God for FOS. Can always get Gap and OldNavy stuff at affordable prices 😀 More shopping coming up later…… ;D
the pants seems so big la…Ashley can wear that?
hey, are u staying near jln gasing? maybe one day we can meet up, since i have to bring qiqi there every tues..
hehehe…no lah..the pants are mine. yeah…i stay quite near there…in OUG actually. where do you take qiqi to? I don’t drive lah….so can only meet up on weekends when my hubby’s could come over to my place if you like 😀
So nice to hv ur mum bbsit Ashley. I havent gone shopping alone for ages already. Nice loot u’ve got there.
wah wah…went KL Plaza somemore, it’s been ages I been there, too far LOL
Reminder : Five (5) pairs of brand new shoes still in the cupboard (still counting…)
if dunwan, gimme 🙂
One thing good about being in Canada is .. there is always a sale on for clothings for children because of the change in season.. 😉
Wahhh…everyone on shopping mood hah. Can see that you also like GAP.
Haha! Enjoy shopping nampak! 🙂 Awesome loot!
its good to go shopping alone. It s mega sale time, so time to splurge again!!
health freak mommy – mum helps me out once in a while so that I can de-stress 😀
jazzmint – i seldom go downtown too…pj is nearer 😀
jo – i know i know…just cannot resist buying shoes.
mamabok – sigh…i so miss canada…besides sales, there are plenty of factory outlets too…double sigh..
khongfamily – hahaha…i love gap but damn mahal here.
nadia – is mon middle name ;D
hmom – can’t resist lah…everywhere you turn also has the SALES, DISCOUNTS banner.
Besides being a shopaholic, u’ve also gotten another virus which runs in the family (counting at mom’s shoes in the closet)
wahahahahahah !