Tricky Ashley

Yesterday, I saw Ashley trying to pick up something from the floor. I kept quiet and see what she would do. It was a piece of plastic which broke off from the bumble bee magnet. After she has picked up the plastic, she looked at it for a while. Then she turned to me, put the plastic near her mouth and said “UM” (pretending to eat). After having said that, she gave me a cheeky smile. She knew that she is not supposed to put such things in her mouth or pick up stuff from the floor to eat. However, she just want to trick her mommy and see what she would do 😀 My cheeky missy!
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2 Responses to Tricky Ashley

  1. jazzmint says: cheeky yah

  2. Annie Q says:

    hehehe..u just love her cheeky right? 😉

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