The Energizer Bunny

We went to visit my dad at his office this afternoon. As usual, Ashley had a fun time playing with the things in the drawers, pretending to talk on the telephone and scribbled all over my dad’s diary. She also sang and run around the office. I always wonder where she gets the energy from. Always so active even at home. She doesn’t sit still too, unless she’s watching her favourite programme on tv. Today she only napped about 30 mins in the car and yet she doesn’t feel tired when we reached my dad’s office. She is in bed now as I am typing this. I can hear her snoring …..muhahaaahahaha.

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2 Responses to The Energizer Bunny

  1. mama bok says:

    They all have massive energy.. 🙂
    Wished i could have some.. 🙂

  2. huisia says:

    active better than diam…right? 🙂

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